4D ultrasound

Thanks to science, prenatal diagnostic methods are increasingly complex. Three-dimensional ultrasound in real time in motion or 4D It is a new technology at the service of clinical monitoring of pregnancy that provides more details about the state of the baby inside the uterus.

Three-dimensional ultrasound has come to complement and not supplant traditional ultrasound (2D). Each offers a different diagnosis. While the internal organs of the baby are appreciated in the two-dimensional, 3D allows to visualize with great precision the fetal volumes facilitating the detection of malformations and anomalies that are not detected by normal ultrasound.

Lick 4D or 3D in motion because it is an ultrasound in three planes with the addition of the fourth dimension, that is, in real time in motion. Thanks to this you can see facial gestures of the baby never seen as yawning, a smile, blinking or sucking. You can also clearly see fetal movements and assess the condition of the limbs, genitals and other parts of the body, in addition to making more accurate measurements. In addition to the prenatal diagnostic function, echo in 3D-4D It means great peace of mind for parents from the psychological point of view. You can see the baby moving with precision which is a very positive emotional impact. Until now, in the normal echo, the parents only saw white spots difficult to interpret.

It can be done at any time during pregnancy, but the ideal stage to be able to appreciate the movements of the baby's face well is between 25 and 32 weeks. Like the traditional one, ultrasound does not pose a risk to the mother or the baby in gestation.

Video: Where I've BeenHow I'm Feeling + Baby's 4D Ultrasound! EMOTIONAL (July 2024).