“Communicate! Breastfeeding: a 3D experience ”, motto of the World Breastfeeding Week 2011

Every year the August is celebrated in World Breastfeeding Week, but the motto has already been released for 2011. It will be “Communicate! Breastfeeding: a 3D experience ”.

This motto seeks to develop communication between the various sectors as part of the promotion and support of breastfeeding. Without a doubt, it is one of the fundamental pillars in the promotion of breastfeeding. Both to disseminate information resources and to create cooperative relationships, it is essential that there be effective communication.

Why a 3D experience? When thinking about breastfeeding, it is usually seen in two dimensions: time (from before birth to weaning) and place (home, health center, hospital, etc.). However, a third dimension is needed that complements them: communication.

We live in the era of communication where we can connect instantly at any time from anywhere in the world. New communication channels are created every day. Using both traditional and new media, it is possible for breastfeeding to spread across generations, between sectors, between genders and between cultures.

As a means of communication committed to the promotion and promotion of breastfeeding, from Babies and more we put our grain of sand to contribute to this year's motto: “Communicate! Breastfeeding: a 3D experience ”.

The calendar of activities for 2011 will be announced in February through the official website of the World Breastfeeding Week.

Video: Emilio Rojas - Communicate Official Video (July 2024).