Chew gum to recover from caesarean section

The recommendation sounds strange, it's true. But according to a study by Egyptian researchers with women who had undergone a C-section, chewing gum accelerates intestinal recovery after the intervention.

Being an abdominal surgery, bowel function becomes slow after a C-section, producing gas and constipation in the recent mother.

Normally, women undergoing caesarean section are made to get out of bed and walk to favor bowel movement. Apparently chewing sugar-free gum two hours after birth would help in the process.

Of course, the treatment is simple and economical. The mothers with whom they conducted the study were pleased with the results as accelerating bowel movement shortened their hospital stay. In fact, they had their first bowel movement and were discharged before than those who didn't chew gum.

This is not a factor to be dismissed since women undergoing caesarean section remain admitted for about a week when those who have had vaginal delivery are usually around 48 hours.

Of course. The research is based on women undergoing general anesthesia during caesarean section, a practice that is hardly used in developed countries. Please do not buy boxes of chewing gum because the effects with epidural anesthesia remain to be evaluated.

Cesarean section recovery is usually more annoying than a normal delivery, so any solution that favors recovery It is welcome as long as it is effective. Anyway, it's just a first study. Do not do anything without first checking with the doctor.

Video: Improving C-Section Recovery: The ERAS Program Helps You Heal (July 2024).