Alcohol, the main cause of birth defects in pregnancy

One of the great threats that endangers the health of the baby inside the uterus is alcohol, the main cause of birth defects and baby development.

While experts recommend not consuming a drop of alcohol during pregnancy, and even before seeking pregnancy, still 25% of women continue to drink when they find out that they are waiting for a baby.

The reason is that alcohol can cause physical, psychological, behavioral complications, learning disorders and possible sequelae throughout life that are absolutely preventable if pregnant women make the effort to set aside the cups for a few months.

Among the defects that can cause are facial malformations such as small eye openings and cleft lip or cleft palate. You may also have a small size for your gestational age, suction problems or alterations in other organs.

In terms of development, it can be affected by poor coordination, hyperactive behavior or learning disabilities such as speech and language delay.

In addition, alcohol is one of the most frequent causes of mental retardation in children. It may be related to a low IQ, poor reasoning ability and difficulty sleeping

It is logical that in the face of such a scenario, connoisseurs recommend completely abstaining from alcohol consumption during pregnancy. There are those who defend moderate consumption, while others strongly advise against it because there is no "harmless" measure.

Just in case, it is preferable to make a small effort and prevent any possible problems.

Video: Birth Defects - What Causes Birth Defects? (July 2024).