The great message of actress Hilary Duff, recognizing and applauding the daily work of all mothers

At first glance, it seems that a mother's job is simple: taking care of herself and her family. But every day, millions of mothers in the world are in charge of hundreds of small activities in the day, which often go unnoticed or as something "routine."

But the reality is that every day, from the time we wake up until we go back to sleep at night, the mothers don't rest. And just that daily work is the one that actress Hilary Duff recognizes and applauds in a recent publication, in which she refers to mothers as "super goddesses".

Although he already shared photographs and moments with his son Luca, since becoming a mother for the second time with his daughter Banks, actress Hilary Duff is one of the celebrities who frequently shares her motherhood through their social networks.

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A few weeks ago we shared the image he had published imitating the impressive photograph of the actress Rachel McAdams, who had participated in a photo shoot, where she appeared in one of Versace's dressed images and with a breast pump.

Now, with a post on your Instagram account, the actress admits that raising two young children is not always easy and in addition to sharing a bit of his busy morning with his children, he sends a message to all the mothers in the world.

Accompanied by a selfie, in her message she says that day was the first morning that she was completely alone with her two children since the birth of her youngest daughter, and that preparing to leave home was not easy. But In addition to let off steam a little and share an advice, recognize all mothers who do the same thing day by day.

Ok a few thoughts…% real talk this is the first day I had two kids on my own on a school morning. Breastfeeding and making breakfast, getting 2 kids and myself dressed and packed and out the door while tripping over 4 dogs and feeding the damn fish was not easy. But I did it. And Im proud of myself Im proud of every mom out there who MAKES IT FREAKIN HAPPEN. All day Everyday You are the shit Bad ass, super goddess, world taker oner and you deserved to be praised ps laying outfits out for me baby and Luca was essential lol I even got 5 minutes to do some make up… then turned around to see Luca had used my lipstick as warrior paint on his face

Ok, a comment, 100% real. This is the first day that I am alone with the two children on a school morning. Breastfeeding, making breakfast, dressing two children and me, packing everything and leaving home while we trip over four dogs and feed the fish, is not easy. But I did it. And I'm proud of myself, I'm proud of every mom out there that makes it possible. Every day all day. You are the best, the super goddesses, and you deserve to be recognized. By the way, leaving the clothes for the baby ready, for Luca and for me it was essential, I even had five minutes to put on a little makeup ... but then I turned around and saw that Luca had used my lipstick to paint her face like a warrior.

The publication of the actress was received with applause by thousands of mothers, since she not only shares an ordinary moment with which many mothers can identify, but also, recognize that work that often seems invisible to others, but what we do day by day.

And as she mentions it, the daily work of mothers is not limited to mornings before preparing children to go to school, or say, to prepare food. The activities or responsibilities of a mother are everyday, all day.

Millions of mothers in the world begin to organize everything, even before getting out of bed, while planning the list of what to do during the day, and we don't rest until we put our head back on the pillow. And even at that time, we continue to analyze and review the list of pending for the next day.

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Many times people, and even ourselves before having children, we take for granted all those little things that mothers do, because as we read some time ago in a viral publication: we are responsible for the good and the bad, the big and the small, the beautiful and the difficult.

And although in many families the father has an increasingly active role, or is even in charge of doing everything that only mothers traditionally did, in us that mental load is still present, and in many cases, even being away from home, we are still waiting to make sure that all things go well.

Probably most of the mothers who read the publication of the actress will be able to identify themselves, in part by the relief on how chaotic school mornings can be, but also, because although for some people it seems nothing extraordinary, It feels good to recognize the daily work we do and that often goes unnoticed.

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