Vaginal breech delivery

In most cases, when a baby comes from buttocks, we find that doctors can get to schedule a C-section. However, scientific data does not support this need.

I have found a magnificent page that focuses precisely on breech delivery, where testimonies of mothers who have gone through it and scientific documents that support the convenience of waiting for the baby to be placed, relocation techniques and technical data on the possibility of vaginal buttock deliveries are collected.

A baby's buttocks can spontaneously reposition itself at the same time of delivery, and there are also techniques to help it turn around. Exercises, visualization, moxibustion and external version are some of them, quite effective if performed with the supervision of an experienced professional.

In addition, in general terms, the buttocks birth , vaginally, it is safe if you attend a gynecologist who is prepared to treat you, taking into account that the caesarean section can be performed if there are real problems that justify it.

Normally it is better to wait for delivery is naturally unleashed and then, when the baby has shown signs of being prepared to be born and the physical and hormonal conditions of childbirth have developed, do the cesarean if necessary.

In summary, the vaginal breech delivery It is possible and safe, provided that it is carried out under the supervision of a trained and willing professional, and the programming of protocol cesarean sections is not necessary.

Video: Successful Vaginal Complete Breech Birth (May 2024).