Verdeliss admitted for premature rupture of the bag: all about this complication in pregnancy

Estefanía Unzu, better known as Verdeliss, is living one of the most difficult moments of his life after entering the hospital for a premature bag breakage, by the 30th week of pregnancy. According to herself, she explained visibly excited, in a video posted on her YouTube channel, she must remain in the hospital controlled and monitored in case the delivery is advanced.

After this news we wanted to know more about the premature rupture of the amniotic bag and how this fact can affect the development of pregnancy.

What is premature rupture of the bag?

The amniotic fluid is the fluid surrounding the baby inside the uterus during pregnancy, and is contained within the amniotic sac or bag. It is a vital element for its development, since it protects you from injury, heat loss and contains the essential nutrients you need for proper growth.

The rupture of the membranes that form the amniotic bag involves the loss of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus, and can occur at any time during pregnancy.

In most cases, this rupture will happen spontaneously from the 37th week of gestation, being one of the signs that labor is approaching. But nevertheless, 10% of the time occurs prematurely, predisposing to a preterm birth.

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The Causes involved in premature rupture of the bag They can be varied, and sometimes even unknown, but among the most likely are:

  • Infection in the uterus

  • Vaginal bleeding

  • History of preterm birth

  • Sexually transmitted infections

  • Very exaggerated distention of the bag (when there is an excess of liquid or when faced with multiple pregnancies)

  • External factors such as smoking

What complications are caused by premature rupture of the bag?

As Verdeliss herself explains in the video, the main risk of premature rupture of the bag is preterm birth, hence the importance of a close medical follow-up to mother and baby, to delay this event as much as possible.

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But according to experts, premature rupture of membranes also carries other important risks:

  • Increase the risk of severe infection of placental tissues (chorioamnionitis), which can be very dangerous for the mother and the baby.

  • Increases the risk of placental abruption, umbilical cord compression, cesarean section and postpartum infection.

What is done before a premature rupture of the bag?

Before the premature rupture of the bag doctors will assess the best strategy to continue depending on the specific circumstances of the patient, if there is any situation that could compromise your well-being or that of the baby, and gestational age.

In the case of Verdeliss, and as she explains in the video, doctors have opted for an "expectant management of the situation"; that is, to see how events unfold, under strict control consisting of:

  • Hospital rest

  • Frequent monitoring of the baby to check fetal well-being

  • Antibiotics given to the mother to avoid the risk of infections

  • And in case of pregnancies below 32 weeks, they are also administered corticosteroids to accelerate the maturity of the lungs of the baby

There is room for hope

Although certainly the moments Estefi is experiencing are of great uncertainty and desolation, there is room for hope because, as she herself tells, "At the moment there are no contractions, despite all the fluid that has been lost, it is enough for the baby to move on, (...) and the heart records are going very well"

María José Remesal, matron of the Virgen de Valme University Hospital in Seville, explains that when the rupture of membranes occurs before week 36, pregnancy could continue to evolve under close medical supervision that includes crops, analytics and periodic records that help detect any problem early. In this way, the 34-35 week could be reached, where the maturity of the baby would be evaluated and inducing labor would be assessed.

From Babies and More we want to send a big hug to Estefi and his family, and our best wishes for this situation to be resolved in the best possible way.

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