Anxiety and depression: so common in pregnancy that one in four women suffer

It is likely that not everything goes as expected and that you feel too sad in pregnancy. Maybe the nerves make a dent in your state of health and you feel anxiety. They are not too visible, but they are there. Anxiety and depression are so common in pregnancy, that one in four women will suffer.

Pregnancy is not always as beautiful as we imagined, and these states can affect the health of the baby. Therefore it is important that you consult the gynecologist and share your feelings in case it is necessary to receive help.

Recently, the 42nd edition of the International Symposium on Women's Health Dexeus has been held, where, among other topics, depression in pregnancy, new lines of diagnosis and treatment on premature babies, multiple pregnancy, diagnosis have been discussed Prenatal treatment of preclamsia ...

About the pathologies of anxiety and depression during pregnancy, its high incidence and the importance of establishing protocols that help to make an early diagnosis were highlighted, since with an early diagnosis they present high cure rates.

Anxiety and depression not only affect the health of the mother. There are studies that show in babies of mothers who have suffered higher rates of ADHD, impulsive behaviors and developmental disorders.

Now, alarm signals often go unnoticed. Pregnant women are "accepted" everything, nothing happens if they are sad, "the hormones are to blame". But well-being in pregnancy also includes emotional aspects and these must be taken care of.

So that, if you have anxiety or depression in pregnancyIf you notice the first symptoms, don't let them pass, talk about them, seek help. The woman's environment must also be aware of the signs, not minimize them and act, since sometimes the woman does not recognize her problem or tries to hide it. And it is more frequent than we think.

Video: Obstetrical complications in pregnant women with psychiatric disorders (July 2024).