Homemade toys: a flying fish

Today I want to show you a great idea that happened to Joel, a father of the most creative that is dedicated to manufacturing homemade toys for your children. In his blog Made by Joel we can find beautiful projects created from materials that we have at home.

In this case I want to show you a flying fish What can you do at home with your children? You only need a piece of paper, a straw, scissors and a heat. To make the fish you can print this pattern and cut it, or if you prefer, make your own design. It can be colored or not, as you like.

Its elaboration is very simple. You have to glue the straw and pass the thread through it. The game consists of hanging it and blowing to make it advance. The stronger it blows the faster it advances.

You can make a row of fish that can also be very beautiful as decoration, or make two fish, each with its corresponding thread to play fish racing. What is a great idea?

I love this kind of thing. First, because they are ingenious, second because we can do them at home and have a good time with the children, and third, they teach them that for fun there is no need for super expensive toys, that we can have a great time with things that we do ourselves like this flying fish.

Via and photos | Made by Joel

Video: DIY Rubber Band Fish - How to Make a Rubber Band Fish (July 2024).