Can I satisfy all cravings during pregnancy? Decalogue of healthy cravings

Cravings are part of the symptoms of a pregnancy and consist of an intense desire to eat or drink something. It is not known for sure what are the causes that cause cravings, but what we do know is that not always what we want most during pregnancy is the healthiest for us or the baby.

That's why we will see a decalogue of healthy cravings, so that future moms are healthier and do not "suffer" in case they commit any excess from time to time.

Whether due to hormonal changes, whether due to psychological causes (or a combination of both), there are certain foods that are not recommended (apart from some prohibited during pregnancy).

And it is that cravings can be satisfied as long as they are not foods that pose a risk to maternal health or are foods not recommended during pregnancy (meat or raw fish ...). Of course, it is not because the baby will get spots or cravings if our desire is not fulfilled.

Let's see the tips so that cravings do not become a burden on your health and that you enjoy certain small whims that also, why not, we can give ourselves during these months.

  • Treat yourself from time to time is allowed, it is part of any meal plan.
  • The goal is that, in general, the eating habit of any person is healthy and balanced.
  • Physical activity will help manage hunger and distract you from your cravings (among many other benefits; here we leave you the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy).
  • Lean on family and friends, maybe instead of giving yourself a candy binge you need to share your worries, mitigate anxiety ...
  • Healthy cravings begin with a healthy shopping, fridge and pantry.
  • Make meals of the day on a regular basis without skipping any.
  • Always have fresh fruit and vegetables at home ready to consume: clean or chopped in a container in the fridge (here we leave a series of healthy snacks suitable for this stage).
  • Take small portions, better two tablespoons of ice cream or a little chocolate box than a full glass or half a tablet.
  • Use healthy substitutes when you crave food with a lot of sugar or a lot of fat.
  • And we end up with the opposite of cravings: rejections. If you reject any specific food, don't worry, there are many more to choose from within each food group.

With this Decalogue of healthy cravings Surely many pregnant women take a weight off for giving themselves a treat, but remembering that every day you have to look for our health and that of the baby, being able to make other small "efforts" to compensate for that donut, that chocolate or that creamy ice cream that so good feel ...

Video: How to Stop Food Cravings Quickly (July 2024).