Summary of the week from March 30 to April 5 in Peques and More

One more Wednesday, we landed on our sister blog since Peques and more, to review the contents of our website in these last seven days and thus be able to "lend a hand" to all those fathers and moms with children from 5 to 12 years.

To begin the summary, we tell you that our partner Macarena has conducted a very didactic interview with Miguel Comín, director of the Alia2 Foundation. A foundation that works every day to fight against this great social problem, which frightens both fathers and mothers: child pornography. No doubt an interview that will clarify many concepts and that will help us prevent something so serious and regrettable.

We must be very aware of the information that other people obtain from our sons and daughters and where their images are going to stop. It is for this reason that we have also talked this week about the legal aspects of children's photos.

To finish this section of the weekly summary of Peques and More , we wanted to share how Google It offers us the possibility of using its security center, so that we can help our children to manage the Internet. As you can see some current content and that will help us to be parents in this 21st century.

To learn playing with our children, we have shared several different options with you all this week. To begin, we have explained to you how well you can spend while doing impossible sums with our little ones. Because math doesn't have to be boring. Nor should geography be, because with a globe we can have a great time. Just as well as we had on Fridays when we make our homemade pizzas as a family, who said that pizzas have to be fast food? And if we still have time to get bored, do not hesitate to play with your children explaining those games of your childhood. Put the shame aside and go outside with them to share those wonderful games. Spring has arrived!

And as the end point of our summary we will tell you news that although we did not like it so much, we cannot stop sharing with you all. What began as an innocent Ryanair joke, turned into some undercover lies when we contacted a hotel called "free child". Our suspicions were confirmed by trying to book on it and not giving us any facility. It must be that they are not aware that as we have informed you this week, companies aimed at children are better coping with the economic crisis.

Also this week we have counted you as a couple of Chinese nationality and in divorce proceedings, fight because neither of them wants to remain in the custody of their four-year-old son. Seeing is believing. Worst of all, that the hypothetical solution that is being considered is an auction. Undoubtedly, sad news to say goodbye this week. Although sometimes it does not hurt to read these things to be able to meditate and reflect on our own fatherhood or motherhood. Having a child is very serious and it is very important to be prepared. That is why we will return in a week with our summary, to try to help you. While you enjoy your children. Worth.

Video: Rock Church - Part 1, The Lost Attachment (July 2024).