"From mom to mom", free e-book on breastfeeding

Today I present a resource for women who want to breastfeed and face many doubts and false myths that can cause their breastfeeding to end prematurely against their wishes. It's about a “Free e-book,“ From mom to mom, secrets for a happy breastfeeding ” I am sure that it will be very useful for those who want to know more about breastfeeding, written in a clear, close and perfectly documented language, which adds the knowledge with the experience of a person skilled in virtual communication networks and in helping others Women in their maternity.

Its author is Leticia Jimenez, Mexican creator of the Criando Creando page, a reference in her country and throughout the Spanish-speaking America on breastfeeding and parenting, and this is the first work published by this author and mother.

First-time moms need a lot of information and support to breastfeed, some even to decide to do it or to keep breastfeeding, at least the minimum 6 months that an exclusive baby needs, with nothing else, no water or formula milk, and then, prolong it until 2 years or until mother and child desire. But many doctors misunderstand this indication and tell you that breastfeeding is only the first 6 months, and no, that is a great myth, breast milk always feeds. And like that there are other myths, that "only every 3 hours" that "to have milk you need to drink milk" "it makes me that you have no milk" and many more, which hinder or end up with mom's self-esteem and with breastfeeding

These false myths and the erroneous indications of the toilets, in addition to their own ignorance and lack of security, caused the author to stop breastfeeding her first daughter at five months. Her little daughter is still breastfed for more than two years and precisely the experience and how much she has learned these years have led to Leticia Jimenez I want to share all that with other moms.

With this work, "From mom to mom, secrets for a happy breastfeeding", which in e-book format has made available for free. A generous act that will surely help other women and will help them overcome the pressures and ignorance that could end their breastfeeding. I recommend it to you.

Official site | “From mom to mom, secrets for a happy breastfeeding” In Babies and more | "I want teta", a story about breastfeeding, First Mexican Encouragement of Attachment, A video breastfeeding manual

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