Highlights in Babies and more: from September 30 to October 6

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more during the last week.

In our Recipes for the return to school we show you how to make some snack flowers, which are some ham and cheese sandwiches, but of the most original, as well as a recipe of stewed chicken like that of the potitos, but of older.

In the Beauty Area after childbirth we advise you when and how to return to exercise after childbirth and we explain the reason for hair loss after childbirth.

We have also talked about the importance of early detection of atopic dermatitis, a condition that has increased significantly in recent decades, and we explain to fathers and moms how to be the perfect playmate for the baby, because they need us more than any toy

For recent pregnant women we tell you everything they need to know about visiting the gynecologist at the first pregnancy check and for the most advanced ones, we reassure you by telling them that if you turn the house upside down, it is the fault of the nest syndrome.

For its part, Mother Tiger has reflected on the things she would like to have known when she had her first child.

The issue of children welcome to the gun shooting club has raised controversy and we have introduced you to geniuses of no more than twenty meters.

Finally, in the Space Take care of your hair from the neighboring blog Trendencias tell us why hair falls after breastfeeding and in My World Philips teach us some tricks of parents for babies to sleep.

Video: Romina says 'yes' to Leon. Kadenang Ginto Recap With Eng Subs (July 2024).