It's better to be a father than a mother at 40

The average age at which a woman is a mother increases from year to year and the forecast is to remain so, since unemployment affects 43.5% of young people and without a job a couple will hardly have economic stability and housing for to be able to start a family

If we add to this that youth is now a time that lasts longer (our parents sat their heads before us) and that even by choice children arrive later, we arrive at the current situation, in which many couples decide to be parents with 40 or more years

Leaving aside the difficulty of getting it at that age, when a woman and a man they are mother and father with 40 years is more likely to be better seen if you are male than if you are female.

The fertile age of man is older

This unfair situation occurs perhaps because the fertile age of man is older. While women tend to have menopause from 45-50 years (sometimes before, sometimes after), men remain fertile until the body does not give more (and if not tell the deceased " Papuchi ”).

Men mature later

Men mature later, or what is the same, we take longer to assume the responsibilities of life. This makes with 40 years a man is at the best time to be a father at maturation level (perhaps at 35 years too), while a woman's best moment, for her experience in life and her ability to take charge of the matter, is probably a few years earlier. Yes, I know, what are we going to do. We are that way.

Women are very critical of women

Another reason that a woman is criticized for being a mother with 40 years is that while men tend to criticize men and women little (there is everything, of course, but in general we worry about other things ... or nothing in particular ), women, who tend to be more critical and observant, tend to direct much of their comments to other women.

In any case, it is not fair

Whatever the cause of this happening, forty years are the same for women as for men, so if it is a decision that should be discussed or debated, it should be made with some as well as with others.

Going beyond nobody should care when people have children, because in the same way that some prefer to have them soon, when we have more energy, others prefer to have them later, when they have more experience and wisdom.