A little humor: "Mom, what does virgin mean?"

It usually happens that children suddenly arrive at an age when they start asking questions about words they have seen somewhere or have heard from someone. The ballot then we have the parents to try to explain in the most intelligible way possible the meaning of that word, without screwing up, if it can be, according to the word that is.

In this video we see a girl who asks her mother what virgin means, so it is funny to see the mother trying to explain to her daughter what it means, especially since many of us would not know very well how to approach the subject in an appropriate way to the age of our children.

Watching the video, it immediately becomes clear that the mother is not in her sauce and that the poor woman is making a huge effort to explain the meaning of "virgin" by giving a detour to the idea, until in the end she manages to give meaning to that word . The most curious thing about the video is not how it explains it, but what happens at the end, related to the girl's question. It is clear that next time the mother will ask before answering.

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