Having been good parents, what matters at the last moment

Having been a good father, the best possible father, was the last thought that went through the head of Ric Elias, in which he believed his last seconds of life. That was what he regretted most, of not having been the best possible father, of not having devoted more time and more conscious attention to his children. What hurt him was not the fear of dying, but not seeing his children grow up. What I would most value in the last thought was to have been a good father.

Ric Elias, who is a director and founder of a large marketing company, was a passenger on flight 1549, the plane that crashed on landing at the Hudson River in New York in January 2009. He was in the front row and was able to live very closely what the pilots and flight attendants talked about, so he was perfectly aware of what was happening and had time to review his entire life in what he thought would be his last moments of life.

Think about it for a moment, those of you who have children. Whatever your achievements, your adventures, experiences, wealth, position or experiences, possibly when your time comes, if you lacked time for your children, if you were not at his side when they needed you, if you let yourself be distracted by something that seemed to you more important than them, you will regret it.

Think about it. I am clear that my piority is to be the best possible mother, there may be many things that I regret when the time comes, but I hope it is not for not having been the mother I want to be.

I think that Ric Elías's advice is worth to all of us: what matters at the last moment is to have been good parents.

In Babies and more | Be a good father (III), Be a good father (II), Be a good father (I),

Video: Family Matters Reunion!! Judy Jaimee Foxworth Speaks on Being Left OUT!! (July 2024).