World Physical Activity Day

On April 6, World Physical Activity Day is celebrated worldwide. For this reason, activities related to health promotion have been programmed from different institutions. Surely now that the kids are on vacation we have moved more, but you have to maintain physical activity as usual.

The goal of the day is to convey the need for moderate physical activity every day as recommended by the World Health Organization. Children exercise at school, but that is not enough, as Physical Education or Psychomotor are practiced once or twice a week.

What is the exercise that children do throughout the week? Do you practice any sport? Do they play every day in the park, on the street, moving? Are they walking to school? Do we exercise, dance or play together on weekends?

Surely for some of these questions we have a negative answer, and it is that many times the lifestyle of our society does not favor children to exercise.

Aware of this reality, Physical Activity Day is celebrated every April 6 since 2002, institutionalized by the World Health Organization, aiming at the need to disseminate the benefits of physical activity practice at least thirty minutes daily.

Children's physical activity has many benefits, advantages that, of course, we can also enjoy the elderly. And it is that physical activity is an essential element of health and well-being at any stage of life.

Recall that the practice of physical activities, along with good nutrition, help prevent the manifestation of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, complications of overweight and obesity ...

That's why from the blog we always encourage you to exercise with your children, not only in this World Physical Activity Day, but throughout the year.

Video: World Physical Activity Day (July 2024).