The risk of abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy

Upon learning the couple that is waiting for a baby, along with happiness comes some concern about the risk of abortion that exists in the first weeks of pregnancy.

It is believed that one in five pregnancies ends in spontaneous abortion and most occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the division and implantation of the fertilized egg occurs and the formation of the first vital structures and organs in the baby.

In any case, the risk of abortion should not condition the happiness of the couple or prevent them from sharing the enthusiasm for their pregnancy with family and friends if that is what they want.

When to communicate pregnancy

Of course, the moment of communicating the pregnancy is a very personal decision that the couple must make together.

There are couples who prefer to wait to communicate the news once the first three months have passed, until they make sure that everything is going well, while others are inclined to tell it as soon as they find out they are pregnant.

When a couple shares their happiness in public for the child they expect, they usually think of the prudence or recklessness they have had depending on when they communicate it.

"It's only a few weeks." "He has rushed too much to tell." "Anything can still happen", are some of the unfortunate comments that are usually made before the news of pregnancy, without any sensitivity towards others.

Communicating it too soon entails the fact of having to give explanations if something goes wrong, instead communicating it once the first months have passed, when the risk of something going wrong decreases, it can be seen by others as a lack of confidence Not having said it before.

In short, communicating the news of pregnancy more than a matter of prudence or imprudence is a matter of feelings, ways of being, the relationship you have with the environment and the situation that each person is going through in their life.

Factors related to the risk of abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy

The causes of abortion are multifactorial, sometimes even impossible to identify. Even so, there are both maternal and fetal factors, which can compromise the monitoring of pregnancy.

Between the maternal causes they are: uterine alterations, systemic or infectious diseases, endocrine, immunological disorders, environmental factors, malnutrition states, etc., while among the fetal causes congenital anomalies of the fetus produced by chromosomal failures in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as non-chromosomal genetic abnormalities occur more frequently.

While it is impossible to prevent a miscarriage, there are precautions the pregnant woman can take, both before and during pregnancy, to reduce the risk of abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy. For example, avoid the consumption of alcohol, drugs and tobacco, maintain a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, avoid exposure to X-rays, avoid stressful situations, do not take medications that have not been prescribed by the doctor and go to All prenatal controls.

If there is a threat of abortion, it is very important to follow the medical instructions.

He risk of abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy It's a ghost that always stalks, especially when you've had a previous abortion. But do not let the ghost ruin the moment of joy that means knowing that you are waiting for a baby.

Video: Off-label use of misoprostol linked to abortion deaths (July 2024).