How to rate to choose the best summer camp for our children

Holidays arrive and with them the school is over. As many parents have to continue their workday, they don't know very well where to leave the children. This is the option for the option of grandparents, nurseries and even a caregiver, although an attractive option to avoid the heat and boredom of cities is the one offered by summer camps.

Before pointing them out, we have a lot of doubts and fear in our parents, so we are going to try to give you some guidelines to help you decide whether or not to send them, although that is up to each family.

First, we must be clear that the perfect camp does not exist, so we must choose, the one that fills the little ones more and gives us greater confidence and security. Before sending the children to a camp, we should talk to them, to know that they feel like it and look for the best option for everyone, but most importantly, they should feel comfortable.

For choose camp, we must assess the skills, preferences, the degree of maturity, the needs of the little ones and of course, above all, the security. Also take into account if it is the first time that children will be away from home without us, that they can enjoy it and that we stay as calm as possible.

Experts point out that this type of experience contributes to the maturation of children, as they increase their independence and responsibility, allowing them to learn to live with other people and helping to develop their personal and social skills.

The main thing we will study, if we are going to send our children to a camp, is the security of itFor this we must ask about the activities they are going to do, where it is located, what facilities it has and what staff, number and professional qualification, it will take care of our kids. It is also essential to analyze what it costs, that it is adapted to the ages, safe, educational, clean and that we can visit it when we deem it convenient.

We have collected information from a lot of articles about camps and have chosen some recommendations that a camp has to fulfill. These would be that:

  • have all licenses and permits in force
  • be clean, safe and pleasant for the stay of the little ones
  • have sports, entertainment and educational activities
  • have enough staff in number and be qualified
  • have a medical professional among them, as well as staff with health knowledge
  • the location of the camp allows transfer to a hospital if necessary
  • there is a treatment based on respect and education by staff and of course children
  • avoid risk sports between activities
  • include insurance regarding excursions, activities, accommodation, etc.

Surely we can think of many more things, however we know, that when we separate from the kings of the house and more in these circumstances, we will not only be worried, although we are very safe in the camp, but we will miss each instant, right?

Video: Money Talks: The Cost of Summer Camps (July 2024).