Cooking with children: chocolate mousse without sugar and without cream

Putting children in the kitchen is a fantastic way to spend time with them. Cooking with children It is a beautiful adventure, both for you and for them. I remember with a lot of tenderness my moments in the kitchen with my mother and my aunt, she was the one who gave me books like the one in the photo that made me passionate about pastry and where I got the recipe today.

He chose the recipe himself, these were his words: "chocwodate mamaaaaaaaa, uuummmm, ta wuenooooo!", Pointing to the page of the book where the chocolate mousse recipe.

My first recipe book "Sweet Things" by Anaya

(Even if you don't believe it, it really is chocolate mousse without sugar, butter or cream, It's delicious)


  • 125 g of chocolate
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Necessary material

  • dipper to heat the water for the water bath
  • high temperature resistant bowl that is wider than the Maria bath saucepan
  • wooden spoon
  • metal spoon
  • electric mixer or manual rods and large bowl to beat

Step by step to prepare the chocolate mousse with children

(I feel if the photos are not very good, it is already difficult to cook with a pan in one hand and a reflex camera in the other, as if to add the touch of a 2-year-old boy who wants to touch everything)

  1. We split the chocolate in the bowl and add 1 tablespoon of water.
  2. We put it in the bathroom Maria. (very carefully you can let the children remove the chocolate, have the fire very low and check that steam does not come out from the sides of the bowl because very hot steam can burn quite a lot).
  3. When the chocolate begins to melt, we move it with a wooden spoon so that lumps do not form. Once undone, we let it cool to the side.
  4. We separate the whites from the yolks. (I recommend that you separate the egg whites and let the children throw the yolks into the bowl, it is very important that the egg whites are clean so that they can then go up to mount them to the point of snow).
  5. We beat the yolks well and mix them with the chocolate. (Here you can choose to remove or dump the bowl with the yolks, I have tipped the bowl and my son did something similar to remove a thick chocolate dough).
  6. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat until they are about to snow. (for check that the whites are about to snow, we go around the bowl and if they do not take off, they are ready.) The children hallucinate! Eye here, I remember a classmate in a cooking workshop that ended with egg whites per hat.
  7. We mix them little by little with the chocolate with the help of a metal spoon. We move it slightly without beating, until it has mixed completely.
  8. Finally, we pour the mousse carefully into a serving container and put it in the fridge for a few hours until it is firm.
  9. We will serve it cold accompanied by grated chocolate or a little whipped cream.
From left to right and from top to bottom: Point 2, point 4, point 5 and point 6"Oh! Mom, no ze falls"Use a metal spoon to remove the whites with the chocolate (point 7)