Summary of the week from June 20 to 26 in Peques and More

This year temperatures have risen to the time we marked the beginning of summer in the calendar. Because although we have not been too cold in winter, and spring has not been characterized by the presence of rains, wind or low temperatures, the heat that some want and others fear, entered our country, marking the beginning of School vacations

Children are now a little freer, although I already know that due to the employment situation of many parents, many will have to go to summer schools and camps for a few weeks. In any case in the summer time nothing is the same because they will have the opportunity to play for more hours, and (almost) everything they learn will be fun.

In Peques and Más we have talked about how to protect ourselves against the 'high temperatures', and it has been while families have begun to consume more ice cream and refreshing drinks, and also at the same time that moms and dads rummaged between the closets until they found caps to protect The little heads of the kids. And as the heat is associated with water, because if we have it nearby we will not hesitate to take a dip, it was necessary that we share with our readers this Decalogue of child safety in swimming pools. Now is when we are most concerned about possible food poisoning, so we must all learn a lot about how to buy, preserve and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables.

But we go with our other themes: From Peques and More we try to keep up to date on the topic of new technologies, and that is what Marcos deals with, above all, that is why our partner did not want to be left behind in the homage that everyone paid to Alan Turing, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. And speaking of technology, you know that we usually select applications for different devices, we do it because we like to share it with you and thinking that they may be useful to you. And that function fulfills Animal Habitats, 'the dream of a summer night', as well as Apple's iPediatrics, for parents of newborn babies.

And if we bet on the use of technological means at our disposal, we also do it for have a good time with your family, sharing activities. So a few days ago we showed how to make some simple bookmarks, we prepared the Imaginarium organizing suitcase for family outings, and we went out to eat on a terrace with the kids, this theme - also - is part of our Special Child Food.

Also in that special of which I speak, we thought it convenient to present the way to regulate the feeding when 'the children eat too much'. Since we talk about healthI have to tell you that we were able to present a probiotic that regulates intestinal microfiber in children. And I would like you to read this article in which we present a video by Carlos González that talks about the consumption of cow's milk in children when they grow up. Many of you may be interested in this campaign by Pharmaceutical Ferring that gives us 'advice on the correct removal of the diaper'.

If you know us you will know that we like it anticipate news and keep up to date with the news, so it's not surprising that we echoed the October release of the Blu-ray version of 'E.T. the extraterrestrial ', or that we are following the end of classes at the Monster High Institute. But the fact that the bulletin of the European Space Agency has fulfilled 150 numbers has also taken a place in our pages.

In our blog you will find topics related to children from five to 12 years old, although many of them may be common to the concerns of families who have babies, as examples you can read the Guide on positive parentality that Save the Children has presented, it is called Who loves you, or the possible modifications to the law about 'shared custody'.

So far our weekly summary, and here our visits to Babies and More during June, we return next week with a newly released July. Happy summer!

Video: Cinema of the Philippines. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).