A golden tigress named Dora arrives at the Madrid Aquarium Zoo to accompany Falcao

He tiger is a fantastic animal Beautiful and beautiful and that children love. It is like a cat although big and that is always spectacular for children. In the movies there are good characters of tigers, the Shere Khan of the Jungle Book or the Tigress Master of Kung Fu Panda, which makes them closer and more attractive to the kids.

And, a beautiful tigress called Dora It is the new inhabitant of the Madrid Aquarium Zoo. The golden tigress or (golden tabby) is characterized by beautiful orange strokes and a soft coat that covers its chest and white legs reaching an approximate weight of 140 kilos. The six-year-old female has entered the Zoo recognizing the terrain and in her first foray, has practiced one of her great hobbies, water, swimming in the facilities pool to later inspect the meadow. The image below shows the Dora's beauty and youth.

Further, Dora has encountered Falcao, the white tiger, have recognized each other and subsequently, they have accepted with love. As of February 27, 2013, they can be seen together in the Bengal Tigers installation of the Madrid Zoo where these animals, water lovers, enjoy their first days in common.

From the Zoo they inform us that observing these specimens is rare. Both the white and the golden tiger are raised, mainly, in captivity and their life expectancy is around 20 years.

The Madrid Zoo visitors You can follow the first days of this spectacular pair of felines coinciding with the time of Dora mating. It is now in these first days when the samples of tenderness are exceptionally frequent while the rest of the year their coexistence is usually of mutual tolerance and rather lonely.

Video: Tiger - Alex, cartoon to discover the animals, kids cartoon (July 2024).