Is it advisable to give them pots now that we are away from home for vacations?

Many of you will be on vacation this day with your children and many will be starting to prepare some things to catch them in a few days. The days we spend outside are usually a bit chaotic at the routine level, because the schedules throughout the year are no longer followed, some nighttime rules, such as sleeping each in your room, are postponed to sleep all together, and the issue of Meals are also worth studying, because we eat outside at other times and eat differently.

When we travel with our baby, the thing can get a bit complicated, because during the year we prepare their food apart from ours and we have it controlled at home, but when we go out there are others who have to prepare it and sometimes we can be anywhere, eating anything That is when many make use of industrial potitos and that is why we will try to answer the question: Is it advisable to give them pots now that we are away from home for vacations?

Is your baby able to eat chunks?

Before answering the question parents should ask themselves another previous question, if your baby is able to eat chunks. If it is, if we have started from the beginning giving him some of our food (or just our food) it will not be necessary to buy pots, or bring them. Wherever we go to eat we ask him for a ration, or we give him part of ours, and that's it.

This is one of the benefits of making the so-called Baby Led Weaning, since from the beginning they have eaten solids they have no problems eating once they travel.

If you take crushed ...

However, most babies take crushed at six months, either because pediatricians recommend it that way, either because parents do not dare to give them pieces that can make them choke. If a baby takes crushed it is clear that you will have to find places to eat where they can give them, or buy potitos. Many restaurants take into account that among their usual clientele there are babies of six months or a little more and offer parents the possibility of crushing any dish they have on the menu (or directly prepare some suitable crushing).

The problem, or what can happen, is that parents go to eat somewhere they don't, or that one day they get their lunch time out there, pulling sandwiches, and have no other chance than to take The food is over.

Yes, children can eat baby food

No, they are not poisonous and no, they will not have diarrhea or anything similar to eating pots. I just wanted to show the other options before talking about them by making it clear that there are other possibilities, another way to do it, for each father and mother to choose. We, whenever we have traveled, have shared about our dishes, but other parents may prefer to take something for children (and depending on where they travel, it may be even safer than feeding them our own).

The industrial pots can be used after six months, when children begin to take complementary food. They can be bought in supermarkets or pharmacies and the interesting thing when buying them is to take a look at the labeling.

In it we will see what are the ingredients they carry, and so we will know if we can give it to them or not. It is advisable when giving complementary food is to give food one by one separating them for about 5 to 7 days to be clear that they produce no reaction. If the potito contains any ingredient that our child has not tried, it could be better to look for another one with the food you have already taken. We can also see if there is any element that can also give problems, such as lactose, soy lecithin or traces of any food not yet recommended by age and other undesirable ingredients such as sugar and salt.

Obviously, we must be clear that the pot we buy is in good condition: it is not expired and when we touch the lid we see that it is sunk (closed to vacuum). Another thing we can consider is the theme of taste. There are babies who accept them very well, sometimes even better than the food we prepare. Others, on the other hand, are more selective and can reject what they have not yet tried. If we plan to give them potito wherever we go it could be interesting try them a few days before, so that they know the taste and we are clear that, more or less, they will eat it.


It is advisable? Well, neither recommended nor not recommended, you can simply eat them quietly. Freshly prepared food is always better than potitos, but nothing happens if they are ever eaten in situations like the one mentioned, when we are away for vacations. They have the benefit that since they are closed in a vacuum we know that they remain in perfect condition until we open them. They can also be eaten without heating, so they are perfect for "emergency" situations.

Video: Gone to Pot American Road Trip - 2 of 3 Los Angeles (June 2024).