Those wonderful grandparents

Although yesterday I finally couldn't tell you about them, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to write a few lines as a tribute to the grandparents. And it has just been celebrated Grandfather's Day, a memorial day dedicated to grandparents and grandmothers within the family.

It is a small tribute for everything that the family meanings mean, everything we have learned and we will continue learning with them, the values ​​they transmit to the children, their stories, their care and pampering ...

We love that grandparents tell stories to children, tell them stories and legends and convey their values, cook their favorite dishes, play with them, sing to them and give them their whims ... while children grow up and learn to listen , respect, have fun ...

The NGO Messengers of Peace since 1998 celebrates Grandfather's Day every July 26. For this organization, in cases where parents cannot provide adequate care for their children, their role can be delegated to grandparents.

So that that care is very special, a task that should never be imposed as we have commented on many occasions and which grandparents have to enjoy. Something that is often complicated in our context, but that we should always look for as parents.

And seek not only care "by necessity" as a way of work and family reconciliation, but mutual enjoyment and with us, because parents are also a rediscovery those grandparents who begin to interact with their grandchildren, who know them by first time.

Surely we all have precious memories of time spent with our grandparents, and this will happen to our children. A smell, a story, an image, a phrase ... will always remind us of them.

Yesterday was not in the news, but it was Grandparents Day, and many of them would have a great time with their grandchildren, many children would go to bed dreaming about their games and their stories, and many others would surely miss them. Thank you very much, grandparents, and congratulations any day of the year.

Video: Report: Grandparents who babysit grandkids may live longer (July 2024).