Week 23 of pregnancy: your senses continue to develop

We continue with our pregnancy review week by week to stop at the week 23 of pregnancy, in which you will surely already clearly perceive your baby's movements in the gut, even when he has hiccups.

The baby continues to develop rapidly, gaining weight and layers of fat that will help regulate his temperature at birth, while the mother notices changes at the postural level due to the weight gain that causes changes in the curvature of the back and legs.

Changes in the baby in the 23rd week of pregnancy

Your baby measures 28 centimeters from head to toe (about 21 centimeters from head to buttocks) and weighs just over half a kilo.

You may notice that your skin is a thin layer that covers your body, but it is no longer translucent, but thatI clean to look reddish and wrinkled. The layers of fat will be deposited under the skin.

His eyes are completing his development, although his color is not yet the color he will be born with because his iris is not pigmented. It will not even be the final color, because until about six months and even until the first year of life it may not be defined.

Their five senses continue to develop. As we said in week 22, he is already able to perceive the stimuli that come from abroad, and even have different moods. Mother and baby are super connected, so the mother's mood affects the baby.

The digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems They also continue their development. Swallow amniotic fluid from the placenta to exercise the digestive system while the lungs rehearse breathing movements, although until the moment of birth the oxygen you need to live is provided through the umbilical cord that connects you with your mother.

Changes in the mother in the 23rd week of pregnancy

The mother's breasts continue to grow so it is time for you to choose a suitable bra without rings and with natural fabrics that ensure a good support and protects the tissues from gravity. The nipples will acquire a darker hue and will be enlarged.

You may begin to suffer from constipation, one of the most frequent discomforts in the second trimester of pregnancy, since hormones slow down the movements of the intestines. To this are added the increase in pressure in the blood vessels, also rectal, so it is likely that associated with constipation appear hemorrhoids.

The pregnant's back also undergoes changes. The weight and volume of the gut cause the curvature of the back and hips to be modified causing a slight rotation of the legs outward. Back pain and sciatica can begin to become more pressing, a condition that 30 percent of pregnant women suffer.

To combat it, wear appropriate footwear, apply dry heat in the area, practice moderately and take care of your posture avoiding bad habits such as sitting for long periods, crossing your legs when sitting or bending down without bending your knees.

These are the changes that mother and baby experience in the week 23 of pregnancy. In the following posts we will continue with our journey through Pregnancy Week by Week.

Next week: 24 week of pregnancy

Video: 23 Weeks Pregnant: Watch the Movements of Your Baby (July 2024).