Nausea in pregnancy: when the typical tricks do not work

Much has been written about the nausea that pregnant women suffer. When I was not yet there and a friend who was in a state talked to me about it, I recognize that I thought it would be an easy matter to control, simply avoiding those foods that produced it and a matter resolved. Now that I have just gone through it, I realize that they can become a very hard time of pregnancy, although I could finally identify some tricks that helped me control them a bit.

Causes of nausea

Its most typical explanation points to a hormonal issue (both for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (GCH), and for estrogens), although its psychological causes have also been discussed, however There is still no certainty as to what the definitive causes are nor why some women are affected and others not.

How nausea is treated

In Babies and more we compile a complete list of tricks that usually work for the vast majority of women who go through them. The most common advice they usually give us is to take a cookie as soon as we wake up (since according to statistics, the time of the day they appear most), and small portions of food throughout the day in small quantities.

When the problem is over it goes beyond the limit of being a simple nuisance to something that hinders the physical state of the future mother (some women have a hard time eating), or go from being nauseous to episodes of constant and daily vomiting, specialists often recommend medication. The most common is the Cariban, although now they are appearing another type of capsules (much more natural), such as Amavel.


These are some capsules recommended to mitigate the effects of nausea, but as I said It is a medication, so you need medical recess and it has side effects and contraindications (you can read the full leaflet). It is usually recommended when nausea occurs throughout the day or when they give way to vomiting. In my case I did not take them because the doctor told me that it was not necessary to not present them in such a marked way.


These are some capsules that have been released recently but they are not cataloged as medicine but as a food supplement and according to the company that produces them, it favors digestive well-being by avoiding nausea and vomiting. They are made from gingerols (dry extract of ginger root), and vitamin B6 and can be bought without a prescription. My midwife recommended them to me on a visit, but I didn't get to take them because they disappeared in those days, so I can't tell my experience with them.

How could he mitigate the nausea?

We already know that each organism is a world and the discomforts in pregnancy do not always burst at the moment in which they should theoretically appear and not all of us works what the manual says. In my case they appeared suddenly as soon as I reached the second month and they accompanied me for two more.

The most curious thing about my case is that the nausea caused me to wake up around five or six in the morning. I never imagined that such a symptom was able to interrupt a night of happy and peaceful sleep but yes, it happened to me. So far I am the only one in my environment to whom this has happened, but for 7 nights, this happened to me 5.

In addition to that tortuous schedule, they appeared when we cooked some grilled meat at home ... I discovered that the smell that this type of cooking gives off is the strongest of all and that it can ruin you a whole day. Obviously the pan took a well deserved vacation and has not returned to the kitchen until a few weeks ago.

Fortunately I never had vomiting, but there were days when the nausea was so strong that even entering the kitchen became an act of heroism. My survival kit was to survive on the basis of cooked rice, French omelette, jelly and mandarins ... it was the only thing I could stand.

I don't know if anyone else has had such "atypical" nausea Like mine, but I also want to share my tricks to mitigate them (surely it will seem to you that they are in the same line of the hours in which they appeared ...)

  • Drink water with very cold gas.
  • Start the meal with a salad (better if the vegetables are used cold).
  • Identify any aroma that you like and that is intense enough to placate other odors that may be causing nausea (in my case, red wine).
  • Eat an orange (also very cold).
  • Eat ice cream
  • As you can see the common denominator of the things that worked for me was to take cold food and I suppose that the main cause is that in this way its aroma is much less intense than if they are hot. The fact of identifying a scent that helps you placate that unpleasant sensation was the fastest, so if you are going through this moment, I encourage you to make an effort and find yours.

    What were your most effective tricks in controlling nausea?

    Video: Mercy: Morning Sickness Relief (July 2024).