DIY: Easy to make mummy doll

Surely by this summer we have already run out of many ideas to entertain children. Here we bring you a simple craft that anyone can do at home and with very easy to find items: a mummy doll.

What are we going to need?

Well, a metal cable that can be perfectly a hanger of those metallic that usually give us in the dry cleaners and that some insurance we have at home.

Bandages or an old rag, a shirt that we no longer use, a piece of old sheet.

White tail, you can not miss this tail in a craft, I think they should give a boat with the baskets of newborns.

How is it done

We mold the wire giving it the desired doll shape, think that if it is going to bend or play with it, it should be a bit resistant to prevent it from breaking and also soft enough so that children can shape arms and legs when play with her.

Once we have the skeleton you just need to start wrapping our wrist with bandages. We will help each other with the tail to prevent the bandages from falling when playing with it.

We can let our imagination fly using different fabrics, placing eyes or painting the bandages later.

Easy right? Via | Kidsomania
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