Heat exhaustion, another risk of high temperatures for children

Given the dreaded heat waves we must know how to prevent risks with young children, who are the most vulnerable. While heat stroke or heat stroke is a serious consequence of exposure to heat, there is another less serious consequence and to which we must be aware, heat exhaustion in children.

In fact, it can be said that heat exhaustion is the previous step to heat stroke: if we detect the first, we can act and avoid heat stroke. Babies and young children are the most vulnerable to the effects of intense heat. Let's see what is heat exhaustion, how to prevent it and act so that the symptoms do not get worse.

Symptoms and treatment of heat exhaustion in children

Among the signs that indicate that a child may have heat exhaustion are:

  • Fresh and moist skin
  • Fast and weak pulse
  • Accelerated and shallow breathing
  • Cloudy urine
  • Headache

The treatment for these cases is the same as the one we recommended with the heat stroke: cooling the child by placing it in the shade, fanning it, with a fan, applying warm cloths or fresh water on the neck, English, armpits ...

As the child is not unconscious or vomits, it can also be offer fresh liquids (little by little, not excessively cold, without caffeine and of course or alcohol) with mineral salts or instead water, to rehydrate.

Let us keep in mind that heat exhaustion is, as we have said, the previous step to heat stroke or heat stroke, which presents a more serious quartz, so do not underestimate the symptoms in young children and act as soon as possible.

In short, for prevent both heat stroke and heat exhaustion in children avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and try to keep the body in a cool and hydrated environment so that the temperature does not rise in excess.

Video: Part-II-Heat Stroke and its effects especially on children (July 2024).