My First Film Festival: a good plan for small moviegoers between 2 and 12 years old

Fostering in our children the love of cinema and learning to enjoy a good movie is part of our education as parents, since in addition to entertaining it stimulates their imagination and awakens their critical spirit.

Watching movies with them is something we have within reach but we don't always do, or we don't know which ones may be the most suitable for them. Fortunately we have plans that make it easy for us as My First Film Festival, an international festival for children of between two and twelve years that takes place from November 11 to 26 in several rooms in Madrid.

Is the fourth edition of the festival which is taking place during the weekends at Cinemas Verdi, Cine Doré, Cineteca and the Círculo de Bellas Artes with 12 sessions of family cinema. In addition, La Casa Encendida will host school sessions that take place during the week.

This year's schedule includes 50 films of 23 nationalities, mainly European, with which the children will be able to enjoy great pieces of the author's children's cinema.

Some of them will be feature films that are premiered for the first time in our country and that viewers will have the possibility of vote for the first time in the International Feature Film Competition.

You can also enjoy reimagined classics as 'Stories scrambled', based on a collection of verses by Roal Dahl that turns around the classic arguments with surprising twists, or 'The bag of marbles', a period movie to reflect on racism and discrimination, among others many movies.

You can check all the programming of My First Festival on its official site, where you will also find the recommendations for ages and the plot of each film. You are still on time. Enjoy it!

Video: Marketing: Crash Course Film Production #13 (July 2024).