Born on vacation, who can think of it?

A baby that is going to be born doesn't know about calendars or vacations. Birth is an unpredictable event, it happens when it happens, and logically it cannot be limited to periods of work activity.

There are children who, for reasons of what we know as human nature, arrive in the world on special dates such as summer, holidays, Easter, Christmas or New Year. With the disorders that this usually entails, of course.

My oldest daughter was born on August 4 (yesterday we celebrated her 10 years) and I remembered an "ironic" phrase from one of the nurses who attended to me, which by the way was covering the turn of another who was on vacation: "Who can think of being born on vacation?".

I did not know how to react to his comment, so I smiled half a rather bewildered smile and continued to place the monitor paper where the contractions were recorded, which by the way had been exhausted for a long time.

In the hospital there were half the staff that the rest of the year, they were all on vacation and some of the services had been affected. For example, my baby was born late in the afternoon and was bathed just the next day, which I appreciated, in addition to other abnormalities that some relatives complained in the halls. I preferred it that way, the less they invaded my baby and me, the better.

But that has not been anything compared to a story that I read a few days ago. A newborn baby has been impossible to register in the registry because the registrar "had gone on vacation" and there was no one to replace it. The problem was that when he returned the period of 8 days that there is by law to enroll the baby would have expired.

Although many insist on controlling the time of birth by programming caesarean sections or inductions, childbirth is a call from nature, an impossible process to predict. What if, there are also children born on vacation.

Surely some of you will have happened this to be parents on work rest days and you will have entertaining anecdotes to tell. We invite you to share it in the comments of the post.

Video: born to run - Vacation! (July 2024).