Voluntary grandparents in Asturias, a great initiative

In some cities of Asturias (Gijón and Oviedo and soon Avilés) a intergenerational volunteer program called “Vamos al Parque” which is a great example to be followed by the Federation of Associations of Older Adults of Asturias (FAMPA) and the Ministry of Social Welfare.

From all points of view it is a great idea that both parties benefit from. It is that people over 50 who wish to do so can dedicate a minimum of four hours per week spread over two days to the care of children between 0 and 10 years living in shelters.

As they get to know each other, the frequency of the meetings can increase to perform various activities that children often share with their grandparents, such as reading a book, going to the park, to the cinema, hiking, accompanying the doctor or just taking a walk.

Children who benefit from this program are chosen by an educational team that matches the voluntary grandfather with the child and evaluates the type of activities to be carried out outside the center. The basic requirements are that you do not have serious behavioral problems or any illness that could pose a risk to the elderly.

As I said before, I find it absolutely positive for both. On the one hand, it helps the grandparents who act as “informal educators” to feel useful and valued for being able to help children, in addition to feeling paid for their love.

On the other, although some children have their own family, contact with the elderly helps them establish emotional ties and strengthen the figure of grandfather, an extremely important reference in childhood.

Video: FELIPE VI of SPAIN - WikiVidi Documentary (July 2024).