Four out of ten children go to bed without brushing their teeth, would you do it?

This is the most important brushing of the day and yet four out of ten children go to bed without brushing their teeth. Imagine a mouth full of food debris that acts for hours and hours: bacteria produce acids that erode teeth and thus decay appears.

Remember that during the night the formation of saliva decreases, a basic agent that helps clean the mouth of bacteria. Therefore, while all brushing is important (at least three a day), the one before going to bed is paramount.

But, although 99.6% of children have a toothbrush at home, not everyone brushes their teeth daily (9.7%) and only 60.8% of children brush them at least three times. up to date.

I recognize that I am a bit methodical (they say obsessive) with this subject, but I can't think of going to bed without brushing my teethThat's why I can't think of my daughters doing it. We are very careful in this matter and luckily they seem aware of how important it is. Of course, we continue to help them and sometimes they make themselves beg ...

You have to be patient, it is not that difficult and here we leave you our advice on how children should brush their teeth and what is the most appropriate type of toothpaste, with the amount of fluoride recommended for the prevention of decay.

The above data come from a study of oral health habits in Spanish children aged six to twelve years. Here we see that 59% brush their teeth before going to bed, which is essential to maintain a healthy mouth. This means that 41%, four out of ten children, go to bed without washing their mouths.

Other interesting figures are those that tell us that only 39.7% of children change the toothbrush every three months, as recommended by professionals, or those that do not show differences between children and children in most parameters studied (visits to the dentist, frequency of tooth decay or dental washing ...).

Our children, younger, Do you brush your teeth daily? Or are they already part of those children who don't brush their teeth before going to bed? Surely many are in the learning process, very patient and sure that in the end they will enjoy the fresh feeling of going to bed with a clean mouth

Video: How to brush your child's teeth Comment brosser les dents de votre enfant (July 2024).