During pregnancy, take foods rich in omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated essential fatty acids that the human body cannot manufacture from other substances. It is a beneficial nutrient at any stage of life and especially during pregnancy it is recommended to take foods rich in omega 3.

The benefits of omega 3 during pregnancy they are varied, both for the mother and for the baby, from favoring the baby's neuronal development to reducing the risk of preterm or preeclampsia.

The recommended daily intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids It is two grams daily for pregnant women during the first six months. In the third trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding the recommendation increases to two and a half grams.

Although it is usually included in the nutritional supplements recommended by the gynecologist during pregnancy, there are natural ways to benefit from omega 3 in different foods. However, remember that these vitamin supplements include many more essential nutrients for the development of pregnancy.

But what are those foods rich in omega 3 that are recommended to take during pregnancy?

Foods rich in omega 3

Among the foods rich in omega 3, the following stand out:

  • These fatty acids are found, above all, in the blue fish. But remember that not all fish is suitable during pregnancy: there are species such as emperor and bluefin tuna that are not recommended. On the other hand, you can eat salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel ... all of them rich in omega 3. If the fish is not your forte, there are other alternative foods rich in omega 3.

  • Flax and chia seeds are the plant species with the highest concentration of omega 3 alpha-linolenic fatty acid.

  • Others vegetables rich in omega 3 they are nuts (also rich in vitamin E and copper), pumpkin seeds or pipes and hemp seeds, Salvia sclarea or inchi.

  • In the market there are some cookies and cereals enriched with omega 3, based on fish oil extract or any of the above products.

  • There are dairy preparations (they cannot be called “milk”) enriched in omega 3, to which fish oil is added.

  • There are also eggs enriched in omega 3 thanks to a special feeding of the hens.

Definitely, there are varied options to take omega 3 in pregnancy and benefit from its properties. But remember that it is necessary to have a varied and balanced diet, as well as follow the medical instructions, which will recommend you take a nutritional supplement with this and other important elements during this stage.

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In Babies and more | Benefits of omega 3 during pregnancy, folic acid, omega 3 and omega 6 in pregnancy for better cognitive development of the baby

Video: Omega 3 fatty acids and memory (July 2024).