Dads and moms blogs: parenthood intrusion, new experiences and talks

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with Mother Tiger He tells us how his daughters had a great time participating in his first homemade market, the vile metal!

We continue with Trimadre at 30 which tells us about advertising and its intrusion in parenting, an article without a doubt very interesting. We also talk about extremes in It is not Country for Mothers with his personal crusade against them.

From Italy it reaches us A Mother in Italy where they tell us how has been the adaptation in the nursery, a cluster of new feelings and sensations.

We continue with a Bichillo at Home that tells us about one of those books that should not be missing on the shelves of your children's room, the gluttonous caterpillar and from The Adventure of my Pregnancy They tell us about that stage that some of us have already begun to see, which is the stage of the six years.

From here we remind you that we finish in the five but that our colleagues in Peques and More are there to continue accompanying you in this "adventure".

So far our weekly review of the blogs of dads and moms that we have found this week, if you have any and would like us to spend Do not hesitate to comment.