She is famous and pregnant, what is strange about making it news?

When a relative, a friend or a coworker tells us that she is pregnant, it is normal for us to rejoice over her and depending on the trust we have with that person it is possible that some other typical advice or joke of that moment may fall .

If we are parents, we know what kind of adventure it is going to be. We know that pregnancy can be a long process, that it has its good things and its discomforts. Perhaps it is part of our instinct to create a group around the pregnant woman, perhaps to accompany her or perhaps for some other reason, forgotten throughout the evolution.

But everything changes When it comes to some famous person in our society, it seems that upon receiving the news of her pregnancy, all were questions and we questioned even the smallest detail. How old you are, your partner, your life, etc. Everything is news, everything is on the front page, why? She is famous and pregnant, what is strange about making it news?

The recent pregnancy Susana Díaz, the Andalusian president

He has jumped to the front page in almost all publications. It has even been the subject of conversation threads on social networks. Such has been the stir that I do not think there are many people in this country who have not heard about the pregnancy. It is true that much of this "stir" is generated by political causes.

There are many who have shouted in the sky, that if it is irresponsible to have a fair child in the election year, that if it will be a bad example if you give up your maternity leave, or if you do it halfway, even if you do not give up she. Also that if medical visits will interfere with your agenda, etc. Does it sound like something? It is possible that many of you did because the same thing happened to you, it is possible that many of you have been questioned about your ability to combine work and pregnancy. Why? Because after all, society continues to see pregnancy as a "hindrance", as a situation little or not compatible with working life. If we arrive at an establishment and who attends us is pregnant we automatically see a pregnant woman, we no longer see a saleswoman, waitress or branch manager, we see a hype.

Would it be news of the same level that some regional president announced that he will be a father soon?

In this country I already say no. Flatly no. And it is a funny thing because outside our borders the balance is not so unequal and if the pregnancies of famous couples are followed, although not with the same intensity as if the pregnant woman is the mother. Perhaps because in those countries you have more instilled that in a pregnancy two are involved and that the future dad may want to accompany his partner to the gynecologist, who will have to attend pre-delivery classes and who also has the right to parental leave and enjoy your family and that all that also affects the work schedule in the same way.

But All this does not happen because it is nothing more than a labor conciliation problem that is independent of fame, status or position occupied by the mother or father. I will not deny that it is not the same to be the president of Andalucia as a researcher in a laboratory, that each case must be studied and weighed, but deep down there are some small defenseless beings who care very little, to say nothing at all , who are their parents and the work they do, that all they want is to have them close as long as possible and in that work nobody can replace us.

If you are famous you are supposed to be a father or mother ten

Many times when I hear people talk about the pregnancies of celebrities or read an article on this subject I get the feeling that people expect to see models of fathers and mothers.

We believe that for being famous, for having a fortune or knowing how to manage the largest bank in the country, motherhood will be easier for them and that is why we almost get skinned if they make the slightest mistake or we are shocked when they make some madness (many of the which surely we can see every day).

But when a child comes into your world, he turns it upside down and nothing is in its place, fears begin, doubts, everything seems complicated and your safety has been leaping out of the window for the shout of Geronimo. It does not matter if you are Paco the one at the bar, Susana the president or Shakira the singer, now what you are is a mother or father, the rest has been diluted somewhere between the delivery room and this moment in which you are a cluster of nerves , in which all you want is for everything to be fine and your child to be happy and happy.

Yes maybe…

Perhaps in another society none of this would make sense, perhaps in a world where a pregnancy was accepted and therefore bring a new citizen to this place called world, as good news, as a piece for the future of all instead like a hindrance in a professional career, an expense in the accounts of the company or a way to get rid of going to work, perhaps and only perhaps, that day no pregnancy is more news than another (except perhaps they are quintuplets, of course) .

Maybe the day that father and mother don't have to share low, but that each one enjoys his own, perhaps at the moment in which we do not presuppose that the children are a thing of their mothers, perhaps when a couple does not have to choose between their professional and family future, perhaps we can forget all this .