Recommendations for exercising in pregnancy

Being active during pregnancy is essential for good health, to avoid discomfort, overweight and reach the time of delivery in full form. It is also beneficial for the baby and following certain precautions every pregnant woman, if there are no risks, can exercise.

Today we are going to focus on how to exercise safely during pregnancy and in the puerperium. When to start? What kind of exercises are not recommended? How often? They are some of the issues we deal with.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists leave us their recommendations for exercise during pregnancy and puerperium:

  • During pregnancy, women can continue to exercise and continue to benefit even when the exercise is mild or moderate. It is preferable that the exercise be done regularly (at least three times a week) to be done discontinuously.

  • Women should avoid exercising supine after the first trimester. This position is associated with a decrease in cardiac output of most pregnant women. Because during the performance of a vigorous exercise the remaining cardiac output will be distributed preferentially through the splanchnic beds (including the uterus), it is better to avoid these exercises during pregnancy. You also have to avoid standing for a long time without moving.

  • Women should be aware that During pregnancy, the oxygen available for aerobic exercise decreases. They should be encouraged to modify the intensity of the exercise according to the symptoms of their pregnancy. Pregnant women should stop exercising when they feel fatigued and should not be exhausted. Exercises with body weight can be continued during pregnancy in some circumstances with intensities similar to those before pregnancy. Exercises that do not support the weight of the body, such as cycling or swimming, will minimize the risk of injury and facilitate the continuation of exercise during pregnancy.

  • The morphological changes that occur during pregnancy act as contraindications for those exercises in which you can lose your balance and endanger the mother or the fetus, especially during the third trimester. In addition, any type of exercise that involves even only mild abdominal trauma should be avoided.

  • During pregnancy, an additional 300 kcal is needed daily to maintain metabolic homeostasis. Whereby, Women who exercise during pregnancy should take special care to ensure that their diet is adequate..

  • Pregnant women who exercise during the first trimester should increase the dissolution of heat by ensuring adequate hydration, wearing appropriate clothing and choosing optimal environmental conditions for exercise.

  • Many physiological and morphological changes of pregnancy persist four or six weeks after delivery, so exercise programs that were done before pregnancy should be gradually resumed according to the physical capacity of each woman.

We hope you are recommendations for exercising in pregnancy They are useful and follow a routine of healthy physical activity, the body and the baby will appreciate it, and do not forget to consult the gynecologist any questions that may arise.

Photos | iStockPhoto
Via | ACSM manual for the assessment and prescription of the exercise
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