Do you know how many germs your son brings in his hands when he returns from the park?

I remember as a child my mother send me to wash my hands as soon as I entered the street, my grandmother scold me because I started eating without having gone through the sink, even my father who did not usually get into "those things", like the He said, ask ourselves if we had washed your hands before dinner. And that was not mine precisely a "very clean" generation, at least compared to the desire for disinfection that one sees everywhere today.

Surely you will have similar memories, we come from a generation in which certain "clean" customs and uses were firmly based, or I could say rather, that it was our parents who were very clear that hygiene was extremely important in those days, that It was something that saved lives. But have you ever wondered how many germs we can have in our hands after spending the day out? Do you know how many germs your son brings in his hands when he returns from the park?

We will tell you below, but, yes, if you are a susceptible person, we will inform you that the images They can become somewhat unpleasant.

The image you see is from a Petri dish culture that perfectly illustrates the diversity of bacteria and fungi present in the skin of an eight-year-old boy just returning from playing outside.

The boy is the son of Tasha sturm, a laboratory technician at the University of Cabrillo in California. Tasha thought it would be a good idea to conduct a small experiment, so when his son returned from playing abroad he asked him to put his hand on the plate. Once that was done, he simply let her mature and after a few days what you see was the result; A wonderful collage of colonies of diverse nature present in the skin of most of our children.

Do not be alarmed and you are now all day with the alcohol gel in the bag because a petri dish that contains is a breeding ground practically perfect for bacteria and fungi, which causes them to develop in a very different way and much more fast than they would in natural conditions, in this case, the palm of your children's hands. In fact, we must not forget that excessive hygiene can be as harmful as an excessive lack of it and that it is necessary for our children to be exposed to certain types of microorganisms that will help strengthen their defenses in the future.

Of course, we must always do wash your hands before eating and prevent babies from being too groped when they return from dirt to their eyebrows.

Video: Yorkie Keeps 3-Year-Old Safe After Getting Lost in Missouri Cornfield Overnight (July 2024).