Amazing timelapse of the first 100 days of a premature baby

The birth of a premature baby is always news as little, disturbing. A lot of doubts are those that suddenly appear on the horizon, will it survive? Will there be sequels? Why? These are logical questions that come to mind to any parent, but it is also a time for hope, for the illusion of a new life that clings and struggles to get ahead.

Few such small things have as much inner strength as a baby, so much desire to continue and today, thanks to advances in medicine, the vast majority of premature babies (14 out of 15) survive childbirth and return home with their parents. This is one of those stories, a personal, the story of Walker Pruett a baby who was born with 26 weeks and whose mother spent with him in the hospital every day he was connected to tubes and machines, every day a photo, this is the incredible timelapse of the first 100 days of a premature baby.

Walker Pruett was born with just half a kilo of weight and everything against it, but it was clear that from the beginning everyone, including him, was going to fight so that he could go home with his parents.

The video shows the development from the first day in the incubator until you leave the hospital, going through bad and better days, the day you can breastfeed for the first time, the day you stop needing the probes, your first look, too a line of skin sensations.

This is the story of a fighter, of parents who never gave up and of a great team of professionals, all fighting in the same direction, miracle or not, that everyone decides to believe what they want, the end result is now that of a happy and united family.

The photographs are part of a project called "Poject 100 days" and that photographs the first 100 days of premature babies' life, thus delivering a precious gift and memory to their parents.

Video: Project 100 Days - Walker (July 2024).