How does the arrival of the second baby affect the couple more or less than the first?

After the birth of the first child there are major changes in the relationship. They go from being two to three, from being a couple to a family. Everything now revolves around the baby, the routines change to meet their needs, the roles are modified ... Both are released as parents and naturally this affects the couple's relationship that goes through a process of transformation.

And once we were more or less accommodated to the new situation, everything is revolutionized again with the arrival of the second baby. But, How does the arrival of the second baby affect the couple more or less than the first?

Returning to normal is easier with the second

Many believe that the stress experienced with the arrival of the first baby is repeated and intensified with the arrival of the second child in the family. It has been hard to get the idea of ​​being three and now that we are all "well-off", a new member joins the trio. How does this new change affect the couple?

The care is multiplied by two and this can generate more friction in the couple. Many times the arrival of a baby uncovers the box of thunder and with the second everything gets worse.

But as a counterpart, there are those who believe that once they get used to their new role as parents with the first baby, the couple consolidates and is better planted to face the arrival of the second child.

A recent study conducted with more than two hundred couples and published in Couple and Family Psychology It points to this theory. States that couples adapt before the new situation after the arrival of the second child than the first. That is, returning to normal is easier with the second than with the first.

The couples confessed to suffer more stress in their relationship during the first month of life after the birth of the second child, but at four months, most expressed feeling as happy in their relationship as before becoming parents.

Time accommodates everything

Apparently, the relationship is tested more with the arrival of the first child than with the second. It is understandable, since becoming parents modifies us as people, and those new people that we are have to meet again within the couple.

The birth of a child is a wonderful thing, but naturally it changes both us and the children, be it the first, the second or the sixth. Is a process in which each family member is rearranged in their own role, and in which understanding, respect and love is essential to cope with it.

Tips for a couple who just became parents

It is important that in addition to having become parents of one, two or more children, the couple is still a couple. Do not forget these simple tips:

  • Look for moments for you. Take advantage when children sleep to find moments of complicity and intimacy with your partner. A talk, a dinner, a movie ... any plan together is a good plan.

  • Rescue the good. Stress and daily tiredness make us spend many times taking our partner's bill of those things that he does wrong, or does not do as we would like. Remember that nobody is perfect, leave the reproaches and try to start highlight those things you do well.

Via | Yahoo
Photos | iStockphoto
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