An obese child refuses to eat healthy because he says "they will ruin his childhood"

A few days ago I told you that if the Virgin Mary, 2015 years after giving birth to her baby, raised her head, she would be scared to see that the children eat more things that are manufactured than things that are grown, with prepared meals, with things that we should call "edible" and not "food", with much more sugar than could be considered healthy, many more dairy, desserts and, on the contrary, much less vegetables, fruit and legumes necessary to maintain a healthy diet.

And the sample of all this is that every time there is more children with obesity, in some cases until it is dangerous (at 8 years there are already sequelae at the cardiac level), a problem that contrasts with the vision that many parents and children have about it, that they do not see it as serious. One of the most flagrant cases in this regard is that of a child with obesity who a few days ago declared that he will not eat healthy because "they will ruin his childhood".

With 14 years weighs 107 kilos

His name is Harry and he is the son of a former soccer player and a retired soldier and although they both admit that they did not think they would have an overweight son, the boy has arrived with 14 years despite 107 kilos, more than double the average weight of children their age.

Harry is a very popular boy in the class, because he has a great sense of humor, and gets very good grades. In addition, he has a YouTube channel where he uploads his videos singing, among other things, that they have had thousands of views. Perhaps because of that way of being, because of his optimism, he considers that what he has to do now is "enjoy his childhood" and that he will have time to think about dieting when he is older.

If I lose weight on a diet now, I will lose it equally when I am older. I don't think I should ruin my childhood by eating healthy all the time, with salads and stuff. Most children eat sweets so I must live my childhood and be happy.

His parents no longer know what to do

The fact is that Harry's story has been known because parents have decided to make it public by watching if the boy reacts with it, because it is a problem that has been dragging for a long time and they consider that I should be doing something to avoid it.

Apparently everyone has tried to start eating healthier, in the family, without success, because he doesn't think he has a problem. In fact, a while ago the father managed to see a doctor, because he wants to be a pilot, and told him that he had a BMI of 37.2, which exceeds the maximum of 35 needed to carry a plane. He explained that he had a lot of weight and was potentially dangerous because of the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes, gallbladder diseases, heart disease, hypertension, etc.

Instead of being worried after the doctor's talk, the boy left quite happy because he was only 2.2 points above the BMI needed to be a pilot! Come on, that the rest came through one ear and came out the other because now he has none of those problems and when he is older he will remedy those two points of overweight to achieve his goal.

And what have the parents done so far?

To which I wonder: what have parents done so far? What have they explained about health and food? Why did they celebrate it on the day of their 14th birthday with the cake you see in the following video?

I say this because the parents have brought to light their son's problem, as if the fault was only his, but here there seems to be carelessness on the part of the parents, who have not addressed the issue in time. Now, of course, it seems to be too late.

What can they do? Well, what needs to be done when someone who has a problem does not recognize it, make him see that he has it: that you know people with diabetes, obesity, hypertension, who have suffered heart attacks, who have suffered brain hemorrhages and even take it to a pilot school to show you what a plane is like and how the place where the pilot works . That he knows that it is not normal to devote himself to eating sweets as the basis of food and that not, that eating healthy does not ruin childhood.

Video: Your Child's Health Eating Disorders - Stanford Children's Health (July 2024).