Breaded sausage spirals. Funny recipe for children

Making fun recipes for children to be attracted to them and eat them better is a task that takes a lot of time for parents. Therefore, when I saw this breaded sausage spiral recipe Here, I found it very funny and I prepared this version to teach you how to do it.

It is an easy recipe that will delight children. It's about stretching the spiral, cutting a piece and taking it smeared in the sauce of mustard or ketchup or any other that you make as homemade fried tomato or mayonnaise. It is easy to make these original sausage spirals, and surely your children will like them as much as they liked Paula, as you will see later, I wanted to eat them bites.

Ingredients for 2 children

  • 2 bratwurst sausages, 1 egg, flour and breadcrumbs. You can also make the recipe with chicken or turkey sausage

How to make breaded sausage spirals

So that the sausages do not break and are very elastic before doing the process, the Cook in hot water with a pinch of salt for 3 minutes. Once cooked, we skewer them on a stick skewer, ensuring that it goes straight through the center.

With a sharp knife, we are marking a spiral cut, starting obliquely and continuing on the surface of the sausage, reaching the stick, so that we do not finish cutting but we mark a spiral that goes from beginning to end of the sausage. To do it well, it is convenient to turn the sausage to avoid cutting it.

Once cut, we stretch the sausage along the skewer so that the spiral is slightly open, as seen in the images. Then we pass it by flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs to proceed to fry it.

We heat very hot olive oil in a pan and fry the sausage skewered on its skewer, turning it from time to time so that its entire surface is browned. Once fried and drained on paper towels, we take out the skewer and serve it with the preferred sauce.

Processing time | 15 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy


The breaded sausage spirals are eaten by hand, stretching from one end and pulling until the sausage is broken. Then the piece of sausage is dipped in the sauce and enjoyed. Of course, you can also eat with cutlery, in a more civilized way.

Video: Pringles Party Food Recipe: the Sausage Sizzler (July 2024).