The Ombudsman of Andalusia pronounces on the photo of Francisco Rivera fighting with his daughter in his arms

Against all odds, apparently the decision of Francisco Rivera to upload to Instagram a photo bullfighting with his daughter will have an impact beyond the media: recently the Ombudsman of Andalusia has ruled and has made it clear that the matter will transcend more than we all expected.

We textually transcribe the statement:

Once the news of the publication by Francisco Rivera Ordonez of an image of a bullfighting with his daughter under 5 months in arms is confirmed, we reiterate, as guarantor of the rights of minors, that no matter how much it will be developed in a The environment controlled by the father, as the parent himself stated, is still an unnecessary risk situation for a minor and a decision that we totally reject.

Likewise, we express our desire that these behaviors are not repeated and that the social media impact serves so that this action is not seen and accepted as normal. In our role as Ombudsman for Minors, it is up to us to work in the defense of the rights of children and to address the serious problems that affect them, as well as to raise awareness in the defense and protection of their rights.

Finally, after analyzing the situation and making the necessary arrangements, in our capacity as Ombudsman for Minors of Andalusia, we have transferred it to the Juvenile Prosecutor for the appropriate purposes.

The penalty for his performance is probably no more than a symbolic issue (We'll see), but personally I am glad that the view does not look the other way because it is a public character. Perhaps this episode serves to avoid unnecessarily exposing our children for customs, traditions or simply by having the snapshot of a moment.

Source: Andalusian Ombudsman

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Video: Málaga 24h TV - Reunión entre Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz, CGT y afectadas del 061 (July 2024).