The moment when a mother listens again to the heart of her baby in the chest of a four-year-old girl

One of the most incredible moments that every mother and father lives is the one in which we can hear our baby's heart in the first ultrasound. Fast, very fast, the heart beats strong as showing how full of life it is.

And yet, things end sometimes ahead of time, sadly and abruptly, when you least expect it. This is what happened to Heather Clark, when he lost his seven-month-old baby and stopped listening to his heart. Now, thanks to a transplant, this mom could hear that heart beat againbut in the chest of a 4 year old girl, in one of the most emotional moments I've ever seen.

The story of Lukas and Heather

Lukas was Heather's baby and He died in 2013 with only seven months of age. She was a single mother and the baby was in the care of a babysitter when she had to make a call to the emergency services because the baby had various injuries (it is not known anymore because the case is still in court).

Three days later, despite the care he received at the hospital, the baby died. They were terrible moments for her, but in the midst of her terrible anguish she decided to donate her organs. Thanks to this act three people received a new opportunity in their lives, and one of them was Jordan Drake, an 18-month-old girl with severe heart disease.

Knowing Jordan

Two years after the transplant, specifically last week, Heather had the opportunity to meet Jordan, the girl who has the heart of her son, who arrived with several gifts for her, including a stuffed animal with a recording of the sound of her heart for when she wanted to hear it and a stethoscope (or stethoscope).

A few days ago he commented on his Facebook page how nervous he was waiting for that moment:

In a week I will be listening again to the heartbeat of Lukas. I will take Jordan in my arms and fill her with kisses and love!

And he added the place where it would happen in case any of the people who have given him support in recent years, known and strangers, would like to join the moment.

I think there is not much else to say. Both Heather and Esther Gonzales, Jordan's mother, melted into a hug and shared tears and emotion. She, Esther, had already warned that she would say nothing. It was such a happy time for his daughter and anxious to put himself in the shoes of Heather, that he decided that I would just hug her.

Three of them joined the cameras (I comment in case, like me, when you watch the video you have thought that where so much camera comes from), sent by the Donate Life Arizona association that wanted to document the time to share it and show how important it is Donation for people like Jordan.

And it cannot be said that it is a moment of full happiness for Heather, in reality, considering that she lost her baby, but it is still exciting to know that this girl will be able to live healthy because she, at that moment, decided to donate Lukas organs. Who knows if they won't see each other again and between Jordan and Heather a special friendship and a lasting bond arise. Do not you think?

Video: Mom Hears Her Late Son's Heart Beat Inside 4-Year-Old Girl's Chest (June 2024).