Has a woman really broken the Guinness pregnancy record with 17 months of pregnancy?

For a few days, the news has been running news that surprises me for two reasons, that of a woman from China who has broken the Guiness record of pregnancy by taking 17 months pregnant with her baby.

I'm surprised by the news itself, because a 17 month pregnancy It is undoubtedly very long, and it surprises me because all the media are explaining it as if it were true, possible and logical. Has a woman really broken the Guiness pregnancy record with 17 months of pregnancy?

The Guinness record does not

One of the things that is clear is that if this woman has broken a record, she has not been validated by the committee of the Guinness World Records. On its website there is no mention of it, nor is there on its Twitter page.

In addition, some people have asked them about this issue and they have denied it. They have not certified this story:

A pregnancy of 17 months is impossible

As we read in the news of all media (Telecinco, LaSexta, LaGaceta and the original People's Day China), the woman's name is Wang Shi, and is the future mother of a baby who will be born by caesarean section after her pregnancy has exceeded the expected date of delivery for eight months, which was estimated to be mid November 2015 (became pregnant in February 2015). The fetus has a current weight of 3.8 kilograms and it is not until now that they have considered that it is ready to be born.

But nevertheless, it is impossible. If in February she became pregnant and 17 months later she has a baby of 3.8 kilograms, at six or seven months of pregnancy they would have seen that the development was very slow, so much so that would have diagnosed the pregnancy as CIR (Delayed Intrauterine Growth) and would have caused the birth to save the baby's life so that he could continue to grow and develop abroad.

Think about it, if in the 17th month it weighs 3.8 kilos and it is at the end of the pregnancy when they weigh more, what would the fetus weigh at seven or eight months? 700 grams? Impossible for anyone to do anything.

On the other hand, let's say what happens, that nobody does anything because they say "well, let's move on because although it weighs very little it keeps getting fat". Does anyone think they would not have done an induction in week 41 or 42? Maybe in 43? All the protocols of the hospitals establish a moment of pregnancy from which it is indicated induction of labor to avoid risks such as the aspiration of meconium or the loss of fetal well-being to the point of causing irreversible damage to the fetus.

So what could have happened?

If the woman became pregnant in February 2015 and is going to give birth now it is clear that we don't talk about one, but about two pregnancies (or three). Perhaps she lost the first pregnancy at some point during pregnancy, perhaps in the first trimester, with some bleeding that might seem more or less normal; and then there was a time without menstruation and will get pregnant again without getting menstruation (If a woman becomes pregnant at the first ovulation she does not even have the period).

A succession of two or three pregnancies could make you believe that it is the first, which has lengthened over time. It sounds absurd to believe that a woman cannot realize that she is not the same pregnancy, but It seems more absurd to believe that she is convinced that she has been nursing her baby for 17 months.

but no, it is not that. In ElDiarioNY we read the statements of one of the doctors of Wang Shi, which clarifies everything:

I checked the results, she is probably 38 weeks pregnant (9 months). Everything looks normal.

To which he added that the first analysis and data of pregnancy date from November 2015, and not February, as she says and confirm the other media.

Video: A World Record. .USA Lady Give Birth to 17 Babies. . OMG (July 2024).