Five signs (other than crying) that tell you that the baby is hungry

Long before it can emit its first syllables, its first words, the baby has other ways of communicating, although it is not always easy for us to decipher them. Crying is one of the first modes of communication for children, and is often synonymous with hunger. But, when a baby cries because he is hungry it is already a late sign and, although they have gone unnoticed, there are other signs, less obvious but quite clear, that indicate that it is time to eat for the baby.

Because if we wait for crying, everything gets a little more complicated. The infant is much more agitated and will eat (at least at the beginning) more nervous, swallowing more air (possible gas or pain later) and all this without counting the stress that for the mother also involves the crying of the baby. Therefore, if we notice certain signs in the child, we can try to put it to the chest and we will see how, without crying, the baby sees his need satisfied. These are five different signs of crying that tell you that the baby is hungry.

It is important to understand the messages of the baby well, since in the early stages of breastfeeding a good tuning between mother and baby is necessary to regularize milk production and there is no better way than to breastfeed on demand. Offering the breast often and not waiting for the baby to cry, be attentive to the appetite signals that the little one sends us, have it close to be able to warn them ... it is essential to avoid problems or worries.

In fact, another problem that causes the baby to start breastfeeding crying is to take and release the breast several times, which can favor the appearance of pain and cracks in the nipple when breastfeeding is being established. A calm baby will make the shot better, so we don't have to lengthen the time between one shot and another, nor set schedules or look at the clock.

Five signs that the baby is hungry

Turn your head to the side looking for the chest

One of the first signs that the baby is hungry is that turn your head to the side looking for the chest. He is in his crib, in the stroller or in his arms and turns the head as if his mouth were looking for the breast to feed, usually for one side, but it could also be for both. The sucking reflex is clearly seen in this movement.

Stick out or click your tongue

Before crying, the hungry baby also sticks out his tongue or clicks his tongue. These noises produced by the child's mouth will be appreciated much earlier if we sleep in the same room with the baby, because otherwise they would go unnoticed. These are movements related to the suction reflex.

Start sucking

The baby starts to suck hard with nothing in the mouth, the pacifier, or begins to suck his finger, to take the fist (or both hands) to the face or mouth ... Thus manifests his need for nutritive suction.

He is restless

It moves and shakes more than normal, even asleep. In fact, this is usually one of the first signs that the baby is hungry at night, when we see him restless in his crib or bed. If the restlessness does not cease when feeding it, we must look for another cause, such as changing the diaper, having any pain, having heat or cold ...

It emits twitter, murmurs or guttural sounds

The baby emits twittering, muttering or guttural sounds intermittently. They often do it while they sleep. We do not know if they will dream a lot, but it is proven that these sounds during sleep may be due to hunger. Again, if we are with the baby we will be able to receive this signal immediately and will not get to crying.

Surely you sound some or some of these signals. I remember with my first daughter those sounds at night and although at first I tried to calm her by giving her the pacifier, I soon discovered that what I wanted was the breast, because the pacifier ceased to be effective immediately for that restlessness, for the simple fact that what I was hungry. My second daughter was more likely to suck her finger greedily (and the pacifier didn't admit it), waking us up at night also because of the sounds she produced and luckily not getting to tears. During the day, it is easier to notice these signs.

Therefore, often the baby cries more during the night than during the day, and we have to ask ourselves if it will not be because throughout the day we are more aware of him than when we sleep, as is logical and despite the usual lightness of the Dream of recent moms (and dads).

Again, we return to the recommendation of sleep with the baby in the same room, a practice that also makes the baby have a more peaceful and restful sleep. Also, let's not forget the recommendations of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics about sleeping in the same room, which would also protect the baby from sudden infant death syndrome:

The safest way to sleep for infants under six months is in their crib, face up, near their parents' bed. There is scientific evidence that this practice decreases the risk of SIDS by more than 50%.

Finally, remember, if the baby is crying, it may be because of hunger, maybe for another reason, you have to try to calm him in every possible way to avoid greater evils and to treat him properly. And if we are attentive to these five different signs of crying that tell us that the baby is hungry, we will save more than a few nerves and hurries.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | The baby's cry is a cry for help (and his future will depend on our reaction), The newborn is restless: he may be hungry

Video: Is My Baby Hungry, Gassy, or Tired? CloudMom (May 2024).