Those children who are so hooked on the tablet that they don't realize that their family has been replaced

It is only an experiment, and in reality it would happen to all those who are focusing attention on the mobile, the tablet, the computer, a book ... something concrete that makes us not look up or talk directly with someone, but does not stop Be a striking video and very useful for reflection.

Those responsible for the Dolmio Pepper Hacker, a wooden pepper shaker that is actually a WiFi signal inhibitor, published a few days ago a video showing their experiment, to make us see parents that children can be so hooked on the tablet that you change the scenery, you change the mother, the father and even the brother, and they don't realize until the internet stops working.

We have to recover family moments

You may have never lost them, but first the TV in the place where you eat and then the tablets and mobiles are getting to steal families time together. Yes, they are all eating at the same table, but it's useless if everyone is focusing their attention on something else, if one watches his mobile, another watches TV and the one from beyond is with the tablet, for example.

We have to recover family moments because there are really very few. It is rare that during the day we all coincide at the same time and place, so whenever possible we have to try to focus our attention on others. Explain anecdotes, talk about important things or things that are not, explain a joke, schedule the next day, tell us things ... in short, talk and interact with our loved ones.

The tablet is not negative unless it prevents you from doing other things

As I said at the beginning, the experiment is nothing more than a touch of attention to parents, a "care, they disconnect too much from the real world." The idea of ​​digital content, in fact, is a bit that, disconnected for leisure, but also for learning. If the contents are adequate, if they help to learn, they can be positive. However, they cannot replace many of the activities and games that children can do with the use of their body and then they become dangerous objects.

It has already been seen that children who spend too much time with mobile phones and tablets could have more problems to develop emotionally and socially than the rest, for a matter of logic: the longer they are in front of the screen, less time are playing with other children, talking and negotiating with them, discussing, getting angry, reconciling, and all those things we all learned from children with our friends.

On the other hand, it is also known that the use of screens before sleeping can affect children's sleep, with all that that implies: that they sleep poorly, that they rest worse, that then during the day they are more tired, more irritable, Do not want to go out to play, prefer to stay at home with the tablet, etc., and enter a dangerous vicious circle.

So, as I say, the experiment is totally logical, because it would happen to all of us, but it is still a touch of attention so that we can review the situation in our homes and let's see what we can do to prevent them from becoming addicted to screens.

Video | Dolmium
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