A suit is made with bags to store breast milk to denounce the situation of working mothers

Kasey Jones is an artist and a recent mother, and like many mothers, she had to go back to work after having her baby. He began to do it part-time when his baby was only four weeks old and decided to continue giving him his milk, for which he must express it in his place of work.

To denounce the situation of working mothers made a suit with bags to store breast milk and so draw attention to the little support given to them in society.

Working Mother Suit || process shot || 9 gallons of milk I had to pump in order to work part time. I went back to work when she was 4 weeks old. The pressure to breastfeed and the pressure to go back to work as quickly as possible in our society is incomprehensible. Our effort goes unnoticed and that weighs heavily on our sanity. Honor thy Mother || #wip #workingmom #workingmother #mom #momart #motherhood #modernmother #breastfeeding #breastfeedingart #milk #mothersmilk #contemporaryart #contemporary #art #design #fashion #ohio #breasts #mother #motherhood #momlife #motherartist #mother

A photo posted by kaseyjones_art (@kaseyjones_art) on Apr 24, 2016 at 8:09 PDT

"How we treat mothers in our society reflects what we value more and what less."

Kasey points out in his Instagram account, where he made the photos public, that the pressure to which mothers are subjected to breastfeed their children and at the same time to return to work as soon as possible is incomprehensible.

They have to look good and perform at their jobs, regardless of sleepless nights, the sadness of spending hours apart from your baby and having to pump every four hours in the office bathroom.

There is much to improve and much can be done to give working mothers the place they deserve, without being forced to choose between motherhood and their profession.

Shabby maternal losses

Working mothers should be provided, by all possible means, to take care of their baby as long as possible. extending maternity leave, which in some countries are really ridiculous.

In Spain, maternity leave is 16 weeks and it has been years of unsuccessful struggle to extend it to six months, the term of exclusive breastfeeding recommended by WHO.

But there are countries that are worse off. In the United States, US legislation only protects the workplace for workers for 12 weeks after having a child Only 3 months.

At the other extreme we find countries like Sweden with 480 days or Norway with 392 days of leave distributed between the father and the mother, a big difference compared to other European countries such as Liechtenstein that only has a 56-day leave for the mother.

An effort that nobody values

Working Mother Suit: Just add it to the list || It's true, our work is never done and some days I'm just trying to keep my head above water || : @ jac000b || #kaseyjonesart #art #artist #design #photography #fashion #socialart #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #modernart #mom #mother #workinmom #workingmother #workingmom #momart #motherart #women #womenartists #model #fitmom #fitfamily #healthy #healthy #healthy #healthy #healthy #healthy #healthy #healthy # #work #breast #breastfeeding #breastfeedingart

A photo posted by kaseyjones_art (@kaseyjones_art) on Sep 13, 2016 at 9:36 PDT

It is clear that for a mother what matters most is her baby and the effort to express milk when she returns to work will be done by her son. But it is unfortunate that companies and society in general do not value that effort.

Upon returning to work, mothers who decide to continue breastfeeding their babies find themselves on a path full of obstacles. They need the support of the companies and the understanding of their peers, as well as having adequate spaces to extract the milk in conditions. They deserve a decent, clean, quiet and comfortable place to extract the food they will give their babies, and not have to do it in a place as unhygienic as a bath.

Kasey is absolutely right. Motherhood does not have the value it deserves in our society. It is unfortunate that working mothers cannot spend more time with their newborn babies who need them. But not only that, but when they return to work they do not have the support to continue giving them their milk if they have decided.

Via | Instagram Kasey Jones
In Babies and more | Breastfeeding and working: what mothers need to make it possible

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