A youtuber mom says children should breastfeed at least eight years old

The issue of breastfeeding has been for a few years, and will probably be for quite some time, one of the most controversial points of motherhood. It is because the disadvantages of not breastfeeding a baby exist and are known; because there are women who fail to breastfeed that they would have done it and it hurts them in the soul; because there are women who breastfeed and also receive criticism for making it longer than society considers appropriate; and because there are women who decide not to do it and they are judged (or they feel judged) and that hurts too.

In all this situation, which does not seem to be solved for now, because all parties feel in some way that they have to defend their land, there are many people who try to normalize breastfeeding in infants and older children trying to make it visible. Among these people is news these days Sophie Emma Rose, a youtuber mom from the United Kingdom who uploads videos of her four-year-old son sucking at different times and situations, who states that children should drink breast milk until at least eight years of age.

The mission of giving a face for older children

As we read in Cuatro, six months ago he decided to start his YouTube channel (which already has more than 8 million views) to try to normalize breastfeeding in older children and thus give the face for all the children who suck beyond what people consider appropriate.

For this, he frequently shares videos of her with her four-year-old son Shaye, breastfeeding. Meanwhile, he offers those who watch his videos his message: he says that breastfeeding for older children is very important because of the nutritional value of milk, and because it allows children to know that their mother is there with them, in which he considers to be a matter of emotional connection.

In addition, and here lies much of the controversy of his actions and his message, ensures that Children should be breastfed at least up to eight years of age.

Mothers should breastfeed at least up to 8 years

Apparently, Sophie was not breastfed as a child and was taken from her parents' room when she was still very young. As he explains, his parents they were not aware of the importance of psychology, to lead a parenting style (with attachment) that is based on trying to meet the emotional needs of children.

So it is clear that he will breastfeed his son for as long as he wants, because he asserts that when he cries, he is almost 99% sure he wants breast milk. Thus, when breastfeeding, it is clear that this will stop crying.

Now, in one of his videos he explains that She is surprised that there are so many people who criticize her and leave negative comments about what you do and what will happen to your child if it continues. You may not be aware that there are statements that may make others feel bad, such as the one that gives the post title: mothers should breastfeed at least up to 8 years.

Mothers should do what they want to do

And it is that such a blunt statement can only bring problems. As I said at the beginning, there are people who feel judged (sometimes rightly) by their decisions, that's why the defense of your own choice should be much less vehement.

"Mothers should be able to breastfeed eight years without receiving criticism," for example, is a much more coherent and conciliatory sentence. Or "It's okay for a child to be breastfed for eight years," or "Breast milk received by an eight-year-old child is still nutritious," or even "I would love to be able to breastfeed my child for at least eight years." .

And it is not very advisable to try to normalize something that people do not think is normal saying that what they have to do is just that. Show it, of course, but arguing why you do it so that others understand your reasons and assess whether they could be valid in your case.

But ... is that in his videos only breastfeeding

This is another matter. What makes breastfeeding a 4-year-old (or eight-year-old) child look normal is to see that a child behaves normally in daily life: playing, reading, singing, interacting with you and other people like any other child, etc.

People ask: What can happen if a child is breastfeeding four or more years? And inside imagine a terrible dependency relationship, of continuous crying and little maturation; Thus, the ideal to normalize this situation is to show them the reality: four-year-olds who breastfeed are as normal as those who don't. As all the videos he records and publishes are from the moment he breastfeeds his son, people get the perception, probably wrong, that the only way the two are related is that: through the tit.

As he also says that as soon as he cries he breastfeeds because he calms down, the viewer quickly thinks that his son is not able to manage frustration alone, or that even accompanied by other people will have problems if he does not have his mother's tit through.

Come on, I think it's very commendable what this woman does, but I don't think I just hit the key or the content of the videos (it's my subjective opinion, of course), or the message she sends to other women when they He says that what they have to do is give tit eight years.

Video: Mother can only afford one meal to share with her family. WWYD (July 2024).