Everything you need to know if you are going to practice deferred breastfeeding

Strengthens the baby's immune system, favors its growth, reduces the risk of disease and can protect children from obesity and diabetes. Yes, the benefits of breastfeeding are multiple and varied. Some virtues that affect both the mother and the child but, nevertheless, It is not always possible to practice in situ.

We are referring to those cases in which, after giving birth and having passed the maternity leave, we must return to work. Moment in which we can opt to deferred breastfeeding. A practice that can be carried out favorably if we take into account certain parameters. But let's go with some clarifications.

What is deferred breastfeeding

As the name implies, deferred breastfeeding is the practice that replaces the direct intake from the mother's breast with its extraction for subsequent intake by the baby through a bottle. A technique that can be used for different reasons and in which various issues related to extraction, conservation and else.

It is a recommended option for mothers who return to work

An advisable alternative if we want to continue feeding our little one with our milk and that will allow us combine it with breastfeeding and continue to maintain the emotional bond created with our son. Of course, it is also possible to carry it out exclusively depending on the situation.

What advantages does it have

Among other advantages, deferred breastfeeding allows the mother to delegate her breastfeeding process to another person during his absence. Something that avoids depriving the child of his milk, the most recommended according to the WHO, especially during the first six months of the child's life.

Another of its virtues is that it constitutes a perfect method for premature babies, many of whom are born without the sucking reflex and are unable to breastfeed directly from the mother's chest.

It is also recommended for those children who have not taken the weight according to their age, something that can occur as a result of a weak suction, of oral dysfunctions in the small or other infantile pathologies, or for those cases in which there are difficulties of grip to the chest.

What it takes to practice it

To practice it, the first thing we should have is an appropriate breast pump. And although there are several types, it is advisable to opt for an electric one that favors rapid and efficient extraction.

This is the case of the Chicco NaturalFeeling Portable Electric Breast Pump that, in addition, allows us to regulate the suction speed and suction intensity to our liking in order to save us discomfort. That suits our chest well and make it compact And convenient to transport is also basic if we want to take it to work.

A specific bag or breastfeeding container will be perfect for storing milk

At the time of saving the milk we will need an appropriate container. Ideally, choose specific utensils -bags or containers for breastfeeding, which we can also use in case of having excess milk, and that have hermetic closures that allow it to be kept hygienically, preserving all its nutritional properties.

In addition, they are usually made of prolipropylene, an unbreakable and BPA-free plastic, easy to sterilize. We must also take into account its shape and assess that it does not take up too much in the freezer or in the refrigerator. Some have different teats that we can adjust directly instead of the lid, and can even adapt directly to the breast pump.

If what we want is to go for a walk and take the milk -in case we are not going to have an optimal environment to breastfeed our son, for example-, a thermal baby bottle holder, spare bottles, additional covers and a bag where you can put everything comfortably will be appreciated.

Useful tips for pumping milk

We will start gently massaging the chest in order to stimulate secretion. The movements must be done in circles, from the outside to the areola. At this point we will take special care not to irritate or tense the skin too much, very sensitive in these stages. The pressure exerted will be light.

Looking for the effect of massage, the electric breast pump, by default, always begins with a stimulation phase, in which the combination of rapid and low intensity aspirations favors breast stimulation. Properly placing the breast pump silicone nipple on the chest is essential, do it at a constant rate and opt for a comfortable environment and calm too - even looking at the picture of our little one.

Massaging the chest beforehand stimulates milk secretion

About the amount that we must extract, will have to do with the needs of the child. For example, for infants between 0 and 2 months, 780 ml (about 60-150 ml per dose), about 2 to 4 months, about 900 (120 to 180 per dose) are recommended, and between 4 and 6 months, about 930 ml.

At this point it is also worth mentioning that it is recommended start testing before joining work, that is, before needing it. Something that will allow us to do it calmly, get used to the breast pump and take some practice. Ideally, start 15-20 days before. Drinking enough and eating properly is also essential.

How to store and use milk

Once the milk is extracted and stored in its corresponding container, we can refrigerate or freeze, a decision that will depend on the time it will take us to use it. In any case and a priori, it should be tempered by introducing the container in warm or cold water to reduce the temperature.

As for its duration, in the refrigerator it is kept in good condition for five to eight days, provided that we stick it to the back of the refrigerator and it is between 0 and 4 degrees. Regarding the frozen one, we will not store it for more than two weeks if the freezer is in the same refrigerator. If separated, hold in good condition for three to four months.

The most convenient is to heat it by immersing the container in hot water

To save us confusion, we will always write the date of extraction to which the milk corresponds, so that we can use the oldest first. Locate containers away from other foods It will be key to avoid contamination, which can be dangerous for the baby.

To defrost it we must go with some care, because we could cause it to lose its properties. Ideally, this process occurs gradually, like any other food and in the refrigerator itself. We can take it out last night, for example. Nor should it be boiled or heated in the microwave, but it is best to do so by soaking the container in hot water. We will never freeze it again.

That said and if we follow these guidelines and advice, we can practice breastfeeding successfully, without risking the health of our child, comfortably and pleasantly for both.

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Video: Breast-feeding is a brain booster - Brain Rules for Baby (July 2024).