The exciting moment when an 8-year-old girl listens to her voice after a long time

Christmas has brought many surprises to the children, but not everyone has received the gift they expected, and in some cases it has been what they surely yearned for years ago.

It is the case of Tamzin, an eight-year-old girl who lost her hearing at age four, because of a herpes that she caught at birth. These days his life has taken a tremendous turn, and that is has been able to hear his voice again after a long time.

A bad day woke up unable to hear

I was only four years old when herpes attacked his ear in such a way that he left her overnight without the ability to hear correctly.

At that moment, their parents felt that the world was falling on them: only four years and could not hear well, and all because of a virus that could make their own again.

At that time he had an implant that gave him some hearing and helped him to continue hearing, although in a limited way. According to parents, most of their "hearing" was based on their ability to read their lips to others.

Six months ago the virus reactivated until rob him of the little hearing he had.

Last Thursday they activated the new implant

At the beginning of December they put him a new cochlear implant, which was activated last Thursday:

The emotion of the girl responds to that for the first time in so many years, you can finally hear his voice clearly. It is heard, although with a handicap, his voice sounds as if it were that of a robot.

The reason, as we read in DailyMail, is that that voice that hears does not reach him through his ear, but through the signals that the electronic implant is providing directly to the brain.

Being a girl who has already heard before, and consequently has memory of how things sound, she is able to explain the type of sound that comes to her, which is as metallic or robotic (People with deafness who have heard before are referred to as "postlocutives," and usually explain the same thing, that they receive the sounds as metallic).

The girl explains her new situation in this way:

I feel incredible. I am very happy to hear with both ears; Now my mother won't have to repeat what she tells me over and over again.
I can hear my mother and my little brother with both ears and it sounds amazing.
I feel normal again, and besides, if I want to be deaf again to not hear my mother, I have only to take it off.

We can only rejoice for her, and for her family, because the Christmas 2016 She will be remembered for being the one in which she could finally hear her voice and that of her family again.

Video: 8-Year-Olds that SHOCKED coaches in The Voice Kids (July 2024).